Hot Tub Smells and What To Do About Them!
Does you hot tub smell musty, dank and full of too much chlorine? Your water is telling you something: “It’s not sanitary!” That’s no way to enjoy a daily soak.
If your tub smells like chlorine you may have too much, but more likely you have too little! Here’s why: chlorine added to a hot tub oxidizes or burns out all of the organic material in the water. Think: skin residue and all sorts of lotions & potions that end up in the tub after floating off someone’s skin. When the chlorine works to burn up this waste material, it off gasses. That’s the public pool smell. Full of chlorine and rather dank. So, now the chlorine has been used in the process and not enough is left for on going sanitizing.
What to do? First, the only smell you want in a hot tub is the one that you add in the form of aromatherapy such as Being which has 4 unique scents that give you even deeper relaxation. Lavender, rosemary and citrus are the most refreshing scents for clearing your mind and adding a memorable touch to your soaking pleasure.
Second, switching to SilkBalance which has absolutely no odor. And, also requires no testing, mixing or adding anything but a small amount of chlorine and shock for sanitizing -which you will not smell. SilkBalance stops the formation of bacteria. You also get the added benefit of soft smooth shin with SilkBalance which you can’t say for a chlorine based water care system.
No degree in chemistry required. It’s as easy as 1-2-3. Simply measure 3-4 oz of silkBalance in your hot tub every week (depending on size of the tub), along with sanitizing granules and chlorine-free shock oxidizer. And, you’re done!
Go natural, go with no-scent SilkBalance for your hot tub at Olympic Hot Tub Company.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
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