Got SilkBalance Water Care Questions? We’ve Got Answers!

May 1, 2015

Large and small bottle of SilkBalanceMay 1, 2015

SilkBalance Water Care Questions?  Who You Gonna Ask?

You’ve got SilkBalance in your hot tub, but the water doesn’t seem right.

What to do?

  1. Call Olympic Hot Tub’s Service Center. We’re open 8-5 M-F and the second Saturday of every month 9-4. Email  or call 1-877-599-6072. Our trained staff is here to help you with all of your water care questions. They’re experts in SilkBalance water care.

Buy SilkBalance and stop itchy skin from harsh hot tub chemicals and automatically balance your hot tub water chemistry. Pour it and ignore it!

  1. After Olympic’s Service Center hours, contact the new service established by SilkBalance:                                   
  2. You’ll get the ABCs of SilkBalance:

               a). Prompt replies to every water care question. SilkBalance strives to answer all questions within 24 hours – sometimes within minutes.  At the longest, it’s the next day for an after hours request. (Pacific time).

                b).  A team of certified chemists and SilkBalance directors who review and  respond.

               c). No Guess work. Get the right answer you need for peace of mind about your hot tub and SilkBalance water care solutions.

Not sure what to do? Call or email. You’ll get the right answer.

As the romans said it, Res serva verum gaudium. True pleasure is a serious business.

More on SilkBalance water care:

What is SilkBalance? How Does it Work in Your Hot tub? Everything You Want to Know!

New! Small Size SilkBalance Perfect for Small Hot Tubs

7 Water Care Headaches You Can Eliminate When You Switch to SilkBalance