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When’s The Best Time To Hot Tub?

February 20, 2015

Hot Spring-Highlife-2014-Vanguard-IceGray-Lifestyle-Night-02February 20, 2015

When’s the best time to hot tub? We’ve got the list: the Ten Best Times for Hot Tubbing. All are great excuses, er, reasons for slipping into your Hot Spring Spa!

It’s not like there’s a bad time to take some time in your hot tub. It’s not like you really need a reason. But in case you’ve neglected to hot tub for awhile, here are the 10 best times to hot tub as told to us by our Olympic Hot Tub customers:

1. Hot Tub before breakfast. Start your day by easing into the warm water to get the blood flowing while you sip your morning coffee or tea.

2. Hot Tub when you’re stressed. There’s nothing like the swirling waters of the hot tub to wash away the stress of a hectic day. You mind and your muscles will relax in the warmth. Add aromatherapy candles or calming music to enhance the effect.

3. Hot Tub when you’re sad. Hot water is a natural mood enhancer. You can chill out in the still tub or turn on the jets for higher energy. Either way, you’ll feel more buoyant.

4. Hot Tub when you’re arguing. If you’re in hot water with your partner, cool off – by getting in hot water together. Who can stay mad and carry on a fight when you’re surrounded by the soothing warmth and sharing it with the person you love? The water’s fine, and you will be too.  

5. Hot Tub when you’re romantic.  The hot tub is an intimate, shared space where you can go with the flow. Conversation is easy, touching is easy, and the waves are always hot. Add some oils, candles, or music for enhanced results.

6. Hot Tub when you hurt. In addition to the positive impacts on your mind and emotions, your hot tub is great for your body’s health. Heat therapy can relieve minor muscle aches and tension, and exercises in the spa are easier and more effective because of the water’s buoyancy and resistance. Check with your doctor if you have questions about your condition. 

7. Hot Tub to celebrate. Make a splash for a holiday, a graduation, a birthday, or just a “let’s party” day. The tub is a great gathering spot for family and friends to talk, laugh, and enjoy each other.

8. Hot Tub when it’s cold. The weather outside is frightful, but the hot tub is so delightful. Winter doesn’t have to keep you indoors when you can slip into water at 100 degrees. Your cares will melt away like the snowflakes hitting your hot tub. 

9. Hot Tub in the rain. Soaking in the rain, just soaking in the rain – what a glorious feeling, you’re happy again! You’re not afraid of getting wet when you’re in the hot tub, although you might consider an umbrella hat to cover your head.

10. Hot Tub before bed.  Immersion in the hot tub in a natural way to tell your body it’s time to sleep. Your thoughts, emotions, and muscles will all wind down for a sound, restful night. Then you can get up in the morning and soak in the hot tub to start the new day.

We’d love to hear from you.  When’s your favorite time to hot tub in your Hot Spring Spa?

As the Romans said it, Res Severa Verum Gaudium. True pleasure is a serious business.

More on the best times to hot tub:

6 Ways a Hot Tub At Home Will Improve Your Health

Marriage Advice: Here’s the Fastest Way to End An Argument



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