When anxiety and stress come a-knocking, your hot tub can help
March 16, 2020
March 16,2020 – I’ve heard growing reports over the last few days about the anxiety and stress hitting folks in waves like never before, thanks to the current health crisis. Even if you think you’re managing things well, the truth is human beings internalize a lot that can cause a buildup of stress. This in turn can have a negative effect on your body’s immune system and its ability to ward off illness. And—did you know that researchers estimate that 80% of disease is stress related?!
Well, none of us needs that right now! And fortunately, a hot tub is one perfect way to help your body manage and relieve anxiety.
Here are the ways a hot tub will help alleviate your stress:
- Enveloping yourself in hot water feels terrific. And, it mimics the cocooning effect we all experienced in the womb before birth. It was warm, quiet, and safe. Your body relaxes, and your mind acknowledges that safe feeling, thereby encouraging you to relax.
- Using the jets in your hot tub will work out all the stress and tension you’ve built up in your muscles. I myself hold a lot of tension and stress in my neck and shoulders. Once that hot water starts to do its job and you team it up with some terrific massage through jets? Stress will have a hard time keeping its hold on you! (And I promise you this: If you’ve never tried a Hot Spring Spa with a Moto-Massage DX jet yet, you really don’t know what you’re missing!)
- The weightlessness and buoyancy you enjoy in a hot tub take all the relief off any sore muscles or achy joints. Your mind instantly embraces that relief and triggers your entire body to relax. In Hot Spring Spas, we have the added buoyancy that salt water provides, thanks to the terrific FreshWater Salt System. You will absolutely love the way it feels!
- Physiologically, your body loves hot water. So much so that it releases a floodgate of endorphins when you soak. This feel good chemical serves as your body’s natural painkiller. They activate opioid receptors in the brain. Not only does that help minimize discomfort, it also encourages euphoric feelings. All those endorphins will help melt away your stress.
- Another well-known reliever of stress and anxiety is communing with nature. Getting into your hot tub in your back yard, doing some stargazing, listening to some birdsong, and breathing in clean air are all excellent ways to free your mind and eliminate angst.
Now more than ever a hot tub makes sense. It’s clear with today’s current dilemma we all need places to retreat to that are safe, healthy and steps away from our own front door. If you aren’t yet a hot tub owner and you’re in our area, we’re ready to help you alleviate stress and make your life healthy and happy. Visit one of our seven showrooms today! Before long, you’ll be enjoying a better you…and a better life.