What’s The Perfect Hot Tub Drink? Iced Tea
July 11, 2010
When some people think of summertime drinks, they think of lemonade or Kool Aid or sodas. It’s finally warm enough to think about cool drinks. When it comes to cooling off on hot days and having something wonderful and non-alcoholic to drink in your hot tub, I personally think nothing beats a tall, cold, glass of southern-style iced tea. That’s my sweet-tooth coming out. Pass the sugar.
The best tea is still old-fashioned “sun-tea” made fresh in the morning. A little more work-yes-but worth the effort. We used to call it “sun tea” because it was “brewed” by setting a big jar with ten or more tea bags in the sun then chilled in the fridge. By the time it “brewed” and chilled, it would be late afternoon and you’d be dying for something cold to drink. You don’t have to wait for that refreshing drink now thanks to ready-made teas. They can be chilling in the fridge ready to take out to the tub to quench your thirst while hot tubbing solo or partying with friends. Be sure to pour the tea into a plastic glass (no glass around the hot tub, please!), add mint or lemon if you like and you’ll be in hot tub bliss.
I like chilled green tea, too. Try any of the green teas from Seattle’s own Three Tree Tea Company. Our personal favorite is Matcha Genmaicha which has tiny kernels of popped rice to enhance the taste and is blended with matcha green tea. In this tea the matcha undergoes a minimal steaming process which creates a superior flavor. We drink it every night after dinner and I put the leftover tea in the fridge to have it chilled and ready to drink while soaking in my Hot Spring Spa.
It has a very pleasant taste and green tea is good for you! Double your health benefits: drink green tea AND soak in your hot tub. Enjoy!
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
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