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What Not To Bring In The Hot Tub: The Top 10 No Nos of Hot Tubbing

August 18, 2009

1. Alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant and hot water is a stimulant. Passing out or falling asleep in the hot tub is not hard to do after a few drinks. Drowning has occurred in hot tubs due to alcohol use. Save the drinks for after your soak.
2. Glass. It’s so easy to drop a glass and have it shatter. You don’t want glass fragments in or around the tub. Always use plastic cups and containers.

3. Bubble Bath or other sudsers. Sure it looks like fun seeing all of the foam that can result from hot water, jets and bubble bath, but it’s a sorry mess to clean up. Typically it’s best to drain the tub and start over with fresh water after first cleaning the filters and the spa shell if you’ve had bubble bath added.

4. Swimming Pool Chemicals. It’s tempting as you’re cruising the aisles of big box stores to fall for really cheap chlorine that’s says for “Pools and hot tubs”. Wrong. Hot tub water chemicals, especially chlorine have a specific formula that lasts in hot water won’t turn the water cloudy and has the right pH for hot tubbing. You should buy only chemicals that are specifically formulated for hot tubs and spas.  For example, SeaKlear brand makes a distinction between all water care products. They’re clearly labeled “pool” or “spa”. Pool chlorine is a calcium based formula; hot tub chlorine is a sodium based formula. If it doesn’t say sodium di-chlor on the label, leave it on the shelf no matter how cheap it is! The advice applies to water balancers. If it doesn’t say for hot tubs and spas, don’t buy it.

5. Electronics. Water and electronics don’t mix. Stick to battery operated toys and games unless the music or television system is part of your hot tub or spa and designed to operate near water. Wouldn’t you hate to drop your i-pod or iphone in the water?

6. Bathing Suits washed with soap. Avoid susdsy residue by rinsing suits in water only.  Even if you’ve worn your suit in a heavily chlorinated swimming pool, you don’t need soap to rinse only clear water.

7. Open Sores. Please use common sense and let open sores heal before tubbing.

8. A Hot, Sweaty Body. Even though today’s advanced water care systems can handle sweat, why not shower first and avoid potential water problems? Sweat has organic compounds that are neutralized by chlorine, but the more sweat the greater the need for chlorine and shock. And, it’s best to cool down before you soak anyway.

9. Sun Tan Oil. Why add oil to the tub? Rinse off before you soak.

10. A Grumpy Attitude. Soaking is about relaxing and having fun. Chill out on land and come to the tub with an open heart and mellow attitude.

SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.

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