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Want to Relax? It’s Not Just Owning A Hot Tub, It’s What you Put In It

July 9, 2010

Here’s a recent email from an Olympic Hot Tub Owner who has found THE perfect way to relax. It’s not just having a Hot Spring Spa,  it’s what goes into it. Read on:Dear Alice:

We love our hot tub and use it almost every day and sometimes even twice a day. We have had our Hot Spring Vanguard for almost two years. We have had only one issue – hard water from our well that we use to fill the tub. It felt like were spending more time and money trying to keep our water quality in the tub balanced.

Now that we have started using Silk Balance that hassle is over. It has been so much easier and we enjoy our tub even much more now. The water is clear, sparkles, and feels silky smooth. Thank you Olympic and our local Olympic hot tub specialist Exelane in the Lacey store– she’s been a great help.

Sam Ellis

Olympia, WA

Hot Spring Spa Vanguard Owner

If you take YOUR relaxation seriously, and who doesn’t in our stressful world, you need SilkBalance all natural water care for spas and hot tubs. Take the pain, take the hassle and take the worry about getting your hot tub water balanced and clean.You’re not a chemist. You don’t want to be! You want to relax.

Take the hand test. Go to any of our 5 Olympic Hot Tub Company stores and put one hand in a hot tub using the “regular” water care method (lots of chemicals) (we have one hot tub in every store using this outdated method for demonstrations) and put the other hand in any one of the Hot Spring Spas using SilkBalance. You’ll feel the difference. You can imagine how your whole body will feel after soaking in a hot tub using SilkBalance. Don’t wait any longer to get the real relaxation that’s possible with hot tub ownership.

SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.

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