Want to Boost Your Intelligence?! Do This in Your Hot Tub!
January 21, 2011
Want to boost your creativity and intelligence? Read on! In a recent study as reported in the January 8th Wall Street Journal, Israeli researchers compared how 40 people performed on a 25-item test requiring considerable linguistic inventiveness. Before the test, some people squeezed rubber balls—hard—with their left hand, an activity known to stimulate the brain’s right hemisphere, which, in turn, is associated with creative patterns of thought (though creativity is not confined to any single part of the brain, as the authors were quick to note). Others squeezed with their right hand, and there was also a control group.
The left-hand squeezers got an average of 12.5 questions correct on the test, compared to 8.4 for the right-hand squeezers. This led the authors to conclude that selective hand-clenching can “can greatly influence the outcome of the thought process.”
Why not try squeezing a stress ball in your Hot Spring Spa for maximum effect? You’ll have the benefit of increased circulation due to the hot water and a few minutes to concentrate your efforts. It can’t hurt and you just might come up with a big “Aha!” to solve a problem.
From: “Unilateral Muscle Contractions Enhance Creative Thinking,” Abraham Goldstein, Ketty Revivo, Michal Kreitler and Nili Metuki, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review”
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through water.
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