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Want a Hot Tub but are Afraid of Maintenance? Top 7 Reasons Why Your New HotTub Should Have An ACE Salt Water Sanitizing System

June 8, 2010

1. The ACE Salt Water Sanitizing System really does make water care easy.

One of the top 4 reasons why people don’t buy a hot tub is because of the misconception about hot tub maintenance. There’s fear that it will be too hard, too costly, too time consuming and it IS in all other spas. But not in Hot Spring Spas. The ACE Salt Water Sanitizing system takes all of those objections away!

There are fewer bottles of product. No confusion. No need to add product to the spa after every use or every week. Testing of pH and Alkalinity once a month!

2. It really works!

Pool salt systems have been around for 30 years, but pool salt systems have never been made to work on hot tubs. The technology developed for the  ACE system is the difference. Seawater has 35,000-ppm salt; pools 3-5,000 ppm salt and the ACE Salt Water system maintains a spa at 800-1,000 ppm salt.

Active oxygen created by combining water and salt to make shock + hydrogen peroxide + ozone + chlorine makes the most powerful water sanitizers yet because they are made naturally you will not feel harsh chemicals on your skin.
3. Water looks & feels better!
Softer water feels silky. Chlorine generated by the ACE Salt Water system is different from the dry chlorine product typically added to spas, which is buffered by acid and very hard on skin. Your skin will feel soft like it would after a day at the beach.

4.  The ACE System is Environmentally Responsible!
Because the ACE Salt Water Sanitizing System removes contaminants, it extends the life of spa water. Draining is far less frequent-only once or twice a year. Saves water & saves time. And, when the spa is drained, there’s no worry about harsh chemicals going to the lawn or flowerbeds.

5.  The ACE Salt Water Sanitizing System demonstrates  once again that Hot Spring is the hot tub to buy!

Like the Moto- Massage jet and other exclusive Hot Spring features, the ACE is available ONLY on Hot Spring Spas. Hot Spring Spas guarantee the best lifetime ownership experience.

6.  Trade-in/Trade-up.
The ACE Salt Water system gives you a reason to trade-in your existing spa that may be many years old and has outmoded technology as well as less energy efficiency.

7. It will make you happy!!

The enjoyment factor of hot tubbing has just gone up by a factor of 10. There’s no worry, no guesswork, no hassles.  Just silky smooth water without eye or skin irritations typical of ordinary spas.

Come to the nearest Olympic Hot Tub Company showroom and feel the water in a Hot Spring Spa with the ACE Salt Water Sanitizing System. Check out the control panel that’s easy to use-one light tells you ACE is working. There’s nothing for you to do!  Wouldn’t you rather enjoy your hot tub than gripe about the maintenance? NOW you can. ONLY on Hot Spring Spas!

SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
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