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TRUE BLISS-On The Highest Hot Tub Deck in the U.S.

October 3, 2008

nstoppable dvd

Today’s New York Times features a story about Katrine Formby and her husband Bill who have a three bedroom condo in Telluride, Colorado. They have the penthouse floor on a five story building with a view of the San Juan Mountains in all directions from the roof top deck. The view took her breath away she said. The deck is the highest in Telluride. “Last winter, it was six degrees below zero when I thought I’d sink into the hot tub on the deck. All the lights were off. It was snowing a little. And the moon was up. It was pure bliss. I sat there for hours, the spray from the hot tub turned my hair into a frozen helmet.”

Katrine summarizes so perfectly what hot tub bliss truly is…being in nature in solitude looking out on a fabulous view. So many of our customers tell us the same thing that the experience is far more than hot water and jets. It’s the being in nature and the sheer bodily pleasure of sinking into hot water after a day shut up in an office or car. Being, and I mean that in terms of existence rather than in terms of place, in hot water up to your chin gives such an endorphin rush, you can’t help but let out a sigh of relief. You take a deep breath. You’re home in your body at last.

As the Romans said: res est severa voluptas. Pleasure is a serious business!

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