Toys for Tots Event in Issaquah a BIG SUCCESS-Thanks to You!
December 13, 2010
Our Toys for Tots on Saturday was a big success. Generous listeners to KOMO & KVI drove over to our Olympic Hot Tub Company Issaquah store with enough new, unwrapped toys to fill the largest Hot Spring Spa -a Grandee and contributed over $800 in cash and checks to help purchase toys. Thanks to KOMO-AM 1000 commentator John Carlson who gave up his Saturday to come to the Olympic Hot Tub Issaquah store in the pouring rain and greet the many loyal listeners who came out to meet him. Thanks to Ena Cooper our rep at Fisher Broadcasting for arranging the remote and all of the air time commercials to promote the toy drive.
One young man man age 9 had just had a birthday. He told his friends that he didn’t want any presents for himself-only sports balls for Toys for Tots. He brought in a collection of new footballs, basketballs and soccer balls. What a wonderful way to celebrate his own birthday.
This photo was taken early in the day on Saturday, a cold, wet day (some called this the gloomiest weekend ever in Seattle). Just the kind of day that could easily give you a case of the blues. But, my spirits soared at the generosity of so many people-young and old who came out to support Toys for Tots.
The toy collection continues through this Thursday, December 16th at all Olympic locations. Donations are down this year, yet the need is greater than ever. We’re doing all we can to urge people to donate new, unwrapped toys or money for Toys for Tots. It is such a worthwhile thing to do! With your help we can reach $1,000 for new toys.
Thanks for reading Hot Tub Bliss. We hope you went from “Ahhhh” to “A-Ha”! Be sure to ‘Like’ our Facebook Page and follow Olympic Hot Tub Company and Hot Tub Bliss on Twitter.