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Top 7 Gifts for Your Hot Tubbing Mom this Mother’s Day

May 9, 2013

You’re probably aware that this Sunday is Mother’s Day.  But, I’ll bet you haven’t done anything about it… yet.

It’s not too late.

What better gift than something that will increase your mom’s pleasure when she uses her hot tub?

Here’s our Olympic Hot Tub Company list of the 7 best hot tub accessories for your hot tubbing mom.  There’s something for every budget that will be sure to please your mom.

Pick up today at any Olympic Hot Tub location or online so you’ll have your gift ready for mom this Sunday.

1.  Spa UmbrellaUmbrella-New

Mom will love this hot tub umbrella! Made of powder-coated aluminum, it has an ample canopy for protection from the elements while she soaks. Or, swing the canopy 180 degrees and she can use it to shade a chaise or patio table.  This umbrella covers a 9′ area with an overall height of 8’6″. Canopy made of Sunbrella fabric for mildew & UV resistance. There’s even LED lighting on the underside for ambience & reading with a rechargeable battery pack. 5 colors: Terracotta, Sage Green, Camel, Red and Graphite. It’s the perfect complement to every backyard. A wonderful gift. The SpaUmbrella only $775.

2.  An OutCast-the Ultimate Outdoor Wireless Speaker.  i-pod docking station for Outcast music systemMom will enjoy a party everyday when she owns this speaker.  The OutCast weather-resistant, wireless speaker lets her enjoy rich multi-directional stereo sound throughout your home, in your yard, on your patio, next to your Hot Spring Spa and even on your boat. Mother’s Day Special: regularly $1195.  for the unit with iCast Transmitter. Save $167.30. Now only $1027.70  See at all Olympic Hot Tub Company stores or call the Service Center to order: 206 431-2876.

3. SmartPhone DryCase. DryCase Waterproof case for iPhoneHer iPhone’s her life, right? If she drops it in the hot tub, she’s sunk, right? Give her an insurance policy for her iPhone. The DryCASE is a flexible, crystal clear waterproof bag that will allow her complete use of her iPhone while keeping it dry and clean.

All she has to do is pump out the air with the easy to use hand pump and the bag will vacuum seal around her iPhone and become completely waterproof. The airtight seal guarantees that the iPhone will stay dry even when submerged underwater tested to 100 feet for one hour! What a great gift! On sale for Mother’s Day. Save $7.00 Now only $32.76

4. Towel Bar. Towel BarWhat a great addition to her hot tub- a place to hang her towel while she’s soaking. Its powder-coated aluminum so it’s durable and won’t rust. Easy installation. Only $37.00.  When you install this towel bar on her hot tub, she’ll think you’re a genius.

5. Spazazz Aromatherapy Crystals.

Spazazz muscle therapyPerfect for your mom’s hot tub. Give her a break from the ordinary. Spazazz Rx Aromatherapy Crystals are specially formulated natural blends designed to target specific ailments while soaking she’s soaking in her hot tub. Enriched with vitamins C, A, K, E, Arnica & Calendula. Super Special save $31.13 on every jar. Now Only $11. 82 for 19 ounces. Enough for many relaxing soaks. Select from one of these 6 special blends: Muscular Therapy; Joint Therapy; Detox Therapy; Respiratory Therapy; Energy Therapy; Stress Therapy.

6. Wet Bells. Wet BellsThese light weight Wet Bells will enhance her water workout by providing resistance in the water for a variety of muscle toning exercises.  Super Soft Wet Bells are light weight, easy to grasp, durable, and can be used by men and women of all ages. A thoughtful gift. $26.95.  Add Ankle Wraps to help her do a complete workout in the hot tub. Only $27.95

7. SilkBalance-THE BEST GIFT OF ALL FOR YOUR HOT TUBBING MOM. CA-Eng Silk Balance &Bottle.psd

It’s natural water care the easy way-eliminates all balancing additives, eliminates testing & measuring. Just “Shake and Pour”-once a week for the softest skin and the cleanest, natural bathing water-instantly.

– No more dry skin. Feels Great. Mom and the whole family will notice the difference instantly. The water feels softer and will leave your skin silky smooth. No more dry, itching skin after the usual hot tubbing in harsh chemicals. Even if she or other family members suffer from psoriasis or eczema, it will not irritate sensitive skin. Dermatologically tested. Safe. Effective.
No Chemical smells! We can guarantee that mom would love to NOT smell chemicals when she soaks.
Pure and Clean. SilkBalance to provides a safe, natural bathing environment in the hot tub.

Mom will thank you over and over for helping her enjoy her hot tub even more. Order SilkBalance today for the best Mother’s Day Gift Ever.

SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.


Top 6 Must Have Hot Tub Accessories for Summer

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