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Top 5 Reasons to Buy a Hot Tub Now!

March 27, 2010

  1. FAMILY GATHERING PLACE– Flip open the hot tub cover, start the jets and watch how everyone in the family tends to leave the TV room or computer station and head for a soak.  You don’t have to say anything; if you lead them they will come!
  2. MORNING REFRESHER-Start the day with a refreshing soak while listening to the birds chirp and watching the sunrise. With a cup of coffee in hand and swirling water to jet start your day, you’ll fell like the most fortunate person alive.
  3. AVOID HEALTH CLUB HASSLES-No need to drive to a health club for a soothing soak when you have a safe, clean hot tub in the backyard.  Leave that smelly gym bag in the closet and head out to the crystal clean waters, chlorine-free waters of your own hot tub.
  4. THE NEIGHBORHOOD GANG– Get to know your childrens’ friends by rolling out the hot tub welcome mat.  You’ll have great peace of mind knowing  that you know where your children are and who

    their friends are.

    Prepare for a tennis or golf game or workout session by warming up in the hot tub.  Move your joints through their full range of motion and condition your muscles.  Guaranteed to improve your match or beat your handicap.

SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
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