TOP 10 Tips for Caring for Your Hot Tub Filters
April 26, 2010
Filters are the hardest working component in your hot tub system. And, they’re the first line of defense in maintaining a clean and healthy hot tub. You can lengthen the time between draining and filling your spa by following these tips for maintenance:
ONE: Add SeaKlear Shock every time you get out of the spa and run the jets for 10 minutes. Add SeaKlear Sanitizing Granules once a week. Save 15% on all SeaKlear water care products through this week at Olympic Hot Tub’s e-store.
TWO: Get on the SilkBalance program for the best way to maintain your spa water and keep filters in their best working order.
THREE: Every two-four weeks rinse filters using the high-pressure nozzle on your garden hose. A Water Wand hose attachment will be a big help in doing this job right. Unplug the hot tub or turn off the breakers on 220v models before removing the filters for cleaning!
FOUR: Clean filters thoroughly at least once a month. Always clean when you drain and refill the spa for best water quality. To clean: spray with Seaklear Spa Filter Cleaner. Filters can appear to be clean visually, yet be plugged enough to cause flow and heater problems. The dishwasher detergent or filter cleaner is critical for a thorough cleaning and to strip oils and fine particles that are trapped in the pleats. IMPORTANT: if you do use the dishwasher to clean your filters, rinse thoroughly first. DO NOT USE THE HEAT DRY CYCLE OR JetDry anti-water spotting products when cleaning your filters!!!
FIVE: Seat filters properly in the compartment after cleaning. This ensures that 100% of the water flowing through the filters is filtered.
SIX: Maintain proper water chemistry at all times. Filters are only the first step to clean water. They do not kill bacteria.
SEVEN: Use Scumbugs in your hot tub. They absorb oils, eliminate the scum line and improve filter effectiveness.
EIGHT: Consider having two sets of filters. Use on an alternating basis; the clean set in the spa; the dirty set soaking.
NINE: Rinse off before using the spa. Taking a quick rinse before using the tub will make water care much easier!
TEN: Switch to TRI-X filters-exclusive to Hot Spring Spas. A TRIi-X filter filters ten times more gallons per square foot than other filters and it provides over twice (65 sq. ft.) the filtration area of a standard (30 sq. ft.) filter. The TRI-X filter not only filters by using the element’s surface area, but it also filters by using the media’s depth (third dimension). With regular cleaning, TRI-X filters should last twice as long as regular filters. Sale on TRi-X filters through this week at Olympic Hot Tub’s e-store.
Happy Soaking! You’ll be more relaxed and enjoy peace of mind knowing your hot tub water is being filtered properly.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
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