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Top 10 Posts on Hot Tub Bliss for 2013!

January 7, 2014

Top Ten image blue Olympic Hot Tub CompanyDrum roll, please.

It’s time for the annual roundup of the year’s 10 most popular posts on Hot Tub & Sauna Bliss.

10. PUBLIC HOT TUBS? As the economy improved, vacationing picked-up. You’re going to paid good money to go to a resort, hotel or gym. You’re really looking forward to getting in that hot tub and washing away all of your stress and aches & pains in one big “ahh”. But wait. Not all public hot tubs provide a clean, safe environment for bathing. Better safe than sorry. Will someone else’s germs get to you?  You found out in our post. “Public Hot Tubs. 7 Tips You Must Know Before You Soak”.

 9. HOT TUB BUYERS GUIDE.  As the hot tub market gained momentum this year, more shoppers wanted to learn how to buy a hot tub. Our post “Hot Tub Buyers Guide “Don’t Get Soaked. 7 Tips to Help You Buy the Right One the First Time” came in at #9 with timely advice for the first time shopper or remorseful owner of a bad first choice.

8.  HOT TUB SAFETY. “Hot Tub Safety: Top 10 Dos & Don’ts for Safe Hot Tubbing” came in at #9. I’m glad that more people are taking safety seriously. We showed that “Be prepared” is more than the Boy Scouts’ motto, it’s our best advice for safe and happy hot tubbing.

7.  ANSWERS. You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers.The answers to the top five questions our service center team receives every day provided by Olympic Hot Tub’s Service Manager, Dennis Blair-a 15 year hot tub industry veteran proved to be of great interest. Number 1 on the list: Why isn’t the heat working? See our post “Answers to the Top Five Service Questions” for answers to the most pressing questions.Buy SilkBalance and stop itchy skin from harsh hot tub chemicals and automatically balance your hot tub water chemistry. Pour it and ignore it!

6.  TAXES.  There’s a never-ending quest for how to pay less in taxes. And, who isn’t interested in paying only one’s fair share? The rules are tricky; the bad advice plentiful.  We gave the legal way to pay less if you meet certain criteria.It’s no surprise that “How To Claim Your Hot Tub As a Medical Expense Deduction on Your 2011 Income Tax Return” came in at  #7.

5. INDOOR HOT TUB?  Putting a hot tub indoors is a dream for many, but a disaster for many who have attempted it. Fewer than 5% of Olympic Hot Tub customers put their tubs indoors thanks to our mild climate that’s perfect for hot tubbing year round. But many parts of the country don’t experience our mild winters & glorious summers.  It’s easy to see why the hunt for answers on how best to install a hot tub indoors came in at #5.

4.  INSURANCE? Many of hot tub buyers have tried to get their insurance to pay for a hot tub for medical reasons. We’re not sure how many have succeed, but the tips in this post will maximize your chances that insurance will pay for your hot water therapy for a variety of ailments. “How to Get Your Insurance to Pay for Your Hot Tub Therapy” came in at #4 on our top 10 list. The tips in this post will help you maximize the chances.

3.  SALT WATER HOT TUBS.  Thanks to the innovations made by engineers at Hot Spring Spas thousands of hot tub owners are enjoying the benefits of salt-water hot tub care. Hot Spring’s exclusive ACE system is the only salt water system full integrated into the hot tub controls-not an afterthought, not an add on. It’s easy to use, tops for clean water and leaves your skin soft and smooth~the most wanted benefits say hot tub buyers.  It’s no surprise that “What’s Hot in Hot Tubs? Salt Water! 7 Reasons Salt Water Care is the Way to Go” came in at #3.

2.  HOT TUB CARE. How to properly maintain your hot tub is of perennial interest to hot tub owners. It’s easy to put your hot tub in top condition thanks to these tips from Reg Akright, Head Service Technician, who’s celebrating 24 years at Olympic Hot Tub.  See his “How to Clean Your Hot Tub: A Step-by-Step Guide to Doing It Right”  

1. HOW TO CURE A COLD. The number one reason for a doctor visit is the US is a search for a cold or flu cure.  My doctor said he gets 20-25 calls a day from patients who beg him for something to cure their cold or flu. I asked him what he told them. “So sorry to hear you’re sick”, he replied! We can go to the moon & set up space stations, but there’s no know immediate cure for the common cold. The search for immediate relief can take on a desperate quality. Can relief be a hot tub away? You found out in our number one post for 2013 “Hot Tub To Cure a Cold! 6 Tips to Help You Recover Faster”.

Thanks for reading Hot Tub & Sauna Bliss. Wishing you a prosperous, healthy happy 2014!


Top 10 Posts on Hot Tub Bliss for 2012

Top 10 Posts on Hot Tub Bliss for 2011

Top 10 Posts on Hot Tub Bliss for 2010

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