Top 10 Posts on Hot Tub Bliss for 2011
December 29, 2011
Drum roll, please! As the last days of the year pass by, it’s time to announce the most popular posts on Hot Tub Bliss for 2011.
1. Hot tub water care is ever the mysterious art for many hot tub owners. That’s why “Cloudy Hot Tub Water? Clear it up NOW. Use SeaKlear Natural Clarifier” was in the number one spot from May 2nd.
2. Must be a lot of headaches going around! Just the usual worries: the economy, the economy, and the economy gave our readers plenty to get headaches over. Our post from April 22nd: “Stress Headache Relief Formula: Hot Tub + Coffee + Ibuprofen” came in at number two. And, by the way, it may sound too good to be true, but this formula really works to relieve stress headaches faster than using any of the three remedies used separately.
3. No one wants a noisy hot tub. Don’t want to annoy your neighbors or your sound sleep with a clunky hot tub that cycles on and off during the night? Get a no-noise Hot Spring Spa. It’s the only brand that is “silent running” when heating and filtering. No noise; no vibration. News of a quiet hot tub piqued the interest of many prospective buyers. That’s why our post “Hot Tub Noise” from May 16th came in at number 3.
4. The news that hot tubbing was good for chronic back pain was of great interest to Hot Tub Bliss readers. Back pain is the number 2 reason people go to the doctor in this country after colds & flu. Hot tubbing can relieve that stubborn back pain naturally with heat and jets that hasten relaxation. Many say that using a hot tub can reduce or eliminate pain medication, too. Medical studies back this up which is why our post “Chronic Back Pain? Take a Hot Tub Soak for Lasting Relief” from April 25th came in at number 4.
5. Energy efficiency is top of mind when it comes to buying a hot tub. Who doesn’t want an energy efficient hot tub that performs well and looks good? How about one that plugs into a standard wall outlet and is also easy care? Add a low price to all of those benefits and we really piqued our readers interest with our post from April 15th “Energy Efficient Hot Tub Plugs Into Wall Outlet. Durable & Reliable Freeflow Spas are Affordable and Easy Care “. I guess that on tax day people were looking for good news about anything!
6. The pain of fibromyalgia is constant but can be soothed by hot tubbing. Many of our Olympic Hot Tub owners who have fibromyalgia report that their symptoms were improved with regular hot tub soaking. Some use their hot tubs 2 and 3 times a day to keep intense pain at bay. Many report better sleep and using less pain medication and sleeping better with regular hot tub soaks. If you or anyone you know suffers from this debilitating condition, check out our post from May 30th “Suffer From Fibromyalgia? Use a Hot Tub Regularly to Ease Pain, Improve Sleep and Mood”.
7. Hot tub safety for kids was on the mind of many parents before Memorial Day. We answered the questions and gave the tips for how to be smart about hot water safety in “Hot Tub Safety for Kids: How to Have Fun With out Accidents.” on May 22nd. It’s a good post to bookmark. Safety rules never change and you’ll want to reread them before bar-b-que season starts in the late spring.
8. The pain of arthritis is always present for many here in the Northwest, but a hot tub can help! That’s why our post from May 9th “Hot Tub for Arthritis Pain” was in the top 10. This post detailed a way of using the hot tub that was safe and effective for arthritis sufferers and included our easy to do hot tub exercises. Doctors advise those with arthritis to keep moving but that’s not always an option when you’re in pain. So, if you or someone you knows suffers from arthritis, take The Arthritis Foundation’s recommendation to hot tub and do easy exercises like these as a great way to overcome pain and keep moving.
9. For hot tub shoppers, our post on hot tub warranties from September 5th sparked a lot of interest. Published on September 5th just before the fair, a time when many are considering a hot tub purchase, this post “Buying a Hot tub? Get the Facts on Hot Tub Warranties” gave shoppers valuable information with which to make a better purchase.
10. Hot tub shoppers are desperate for good information on how to buy a hot tub. Our post on August 30th “Buying a Hot Tub? Don’t Get Soaked. 7 Tips to Help You Buy the Right One the First time!” struck a nerve. In the Seattle area, 55% of buyers at our Olympic Hot Tub stores have never owned a hot tub before. This post gave the right tips to avoid getting soaked. Our entire category on Hot Tub Bliss “Hot Tub Buying Tips” is the go-to place for anyone in the shopping mode who does want to get it right the first time.
That’s the line-up. Water care, health, safety and buying tips were the big concerns of our readers in 2011. How about you? Did you have another post that was more important to you than any in the 2011 top 10? Tell us about it in the comments section. We’d love to hear your favorite.
RES SERVA EST VERUM GAUDIUM. True pleasure is a serious business.
Top 10 Most Popular Posts on Hot Tub Bliss for 2010
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