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Top 10 Hot Tub Scenes on Film

February 27, 2014

Hot Tub Time Machine jpegFebruary 27, 2014

In honor of the Oscars on Sunday, we’re going to the movies. Hot tubs have been a feature in movies since the 1970s. When the plot line of a film calls for a heart to heart talk, what better place to have it than a hot tub? Sure most hot tub scenes on film lean towards adult entertainment, but check out our list of the best hot tub scenes on film for some funny, awkward, spicy and sweet hot tub scenes:

1. Austin Powers International Man of Mystery 1997

   Austin Powers (the ever clueless Mike Meyers) pulls off an extremely       unusual seduction of Italian femme fatale Alotta in a 70s-style wooden spa tub. See it here.


2. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off 1997

Buy the Outcast wireless and weather resistant sound system.

In this John Hughes classic, Ferris and his girlfriend end their day by soaking in their friend’s tub. Across the yard at the end of a pool their friend sits catatonic, thinking about what his parents will do one they’ve found out about their day.

 3. Middle Age Crazy


This 1980 classic sold itself on the tub scene. The movie poster was of the 40-year-old couple played by Bruce Dern & Ann Margaret rediscovering love while kissing, fully clothed, in a vintage wooden hot tub.

4. Boogie Nights 1997

This is a surprisingly great film starring Burt Reynolds, Mark Wahlberg, and Julianne Moore as actors and producers in the porn business of the 1980s, just as the VCR revolution was putting an end to the business. The porn producer character’s backyard wooden tub features prominently in several scenes of the film as the characters grow, party, and love.

 5. Whip it 2010

In this tale of a women’s roller derby team, the smarmy MC of the league, played by Jimmy Fallon, has a tried everything to get with any of the athletes. By the start of the movie, he is called “hot tub” because the roller derby teams throw in a party in his spa tub after every game, to which he is not invited.


 6. About Schmidt 2002

About Schmidt features a now-legendary nude scene featuring the incomparable Kathy Bates. Bates walks in on her future son-in-law played by Jack Nicholson as he’s in the tub, strips naked and joins him as if nothing about it is awkward at all. To put it mildly, he freaks!


7. Charlie Wilson’s War 2007


The “bad boy” Congressman in this film accomplishes a lot of things in the shadow war against Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. But when he isn’t accomplishing things, he’s kicking back with a lady friend or two in his oh-so-1980s gold filigree tub. Not to mention the heavy booze consumption in this decadent life. Watch the party scene.


8. Tequila Sunrise 1982


This is one stylish-classy-film from the ‘80s that had star power, beautiful locales in costal Southern California, nice threads, cool pads, drug and dealers, detectives, adventure and mystery! Michelle Pfeiffer wearing only her gold hoop earrings enjoys an intimate evening in the hot tub with Mel Gibson. The camera angle is low, steam rises, images blur. You get the idea. 


9. The Player 1992

Tim Robbins is a studio executive who receives threatening postcards after rejecting a script. Mystery, mistaken identities and blackmail unfold revealing Hollywood’s underbelly. In one scene, he visits a Palm Springs area resort (2 Bunch Palms) with his girlfriend, Cynthia Stevens, and they sit in the hot tub as they discuss business. He’s all business with this particular girlfriend.

10. Hot Tub Time Machine 2010

  In a nutshell, four guys take a male-bonding vacation to a local ski-resort     they used to visit in their younger days. As the four buddies are bonding in a hot tub at a ski resort, a guy in a bear costume joins them, things start spinning around, fireworks erupt, geysers and other cheesy special effects occur. You know the rest. The guys are transported back in time to 1986

We’re not movie critics so can’t rate the artistic merit of any of these films. Movie love is a matter of taste, right?  If any of your favorite hot tub scenes are not on the list, drop us a line. See you at the movies…maybe the hot tub cinema? 

Photo credit: New York Times, MGM, United Artists


Good-Bye Drive In Movies, Hello Hot Tub Cinema

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