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This April, Olympic honors our heroes from the pandemic in two unique ways

April 5, 2021

April 5th, 2021 – I enjoy April very much. I love that it signals the start of spring and longer days ahead. I also enjoy April because five years ago I chose to make it the month that we give back to a charity related to those we consider heroes: first responders, the military and public schoolteachers.


With all that we’ve gone through this past year, and all that nurses have endured, it felt like giving back to them more than fitting. So, this April we will be raising funds to benefit the Emergency Assistance Grant Program for the Washington State Nurses Foundation.

The WSNF helps provide financial assistance to qualified students who are on a path to nursing. They also work on encouraging continuing diversity within the nursing profession and help recruit those who may find nursing an ideal career.

When we were talking with them about being our potential beneficiary this year, they told us about their Emergency Assistance Grants Program. This fund provides grants to nurses who experience an injury, fall ill, or find themselves disabled. They also help in times when other crises arise. The grant helps with rent, food, medical bills and more.

It was astonishing and heartrending to learn that this vital program has been out of funds for more than a year!! It immediately made it clear that, if we could help, we would.

If you or someone you know is thinking of purchasing a hot tub or swim spa, this is the month to do it! We will be donating funds from every purchase. Our goal is to raise at least $22,000 to help, and I sincerely hope we sail past that goal.

We’d also encourage any of you who would like to do so to donate directly to the Washington State Nurses Foundation.

This year, we felt compelled to go beyond our normal fundraising for this year’s Honoring Heroes Event. There are plenty of other folks out there who over the past year have risked their own health and well-being working on the frontlines. Whether that be as a grocery or pharmacy worker, delivery driver, teacher, EMT, or phlebotomist…so many out there have put themselves at risk.

That’s why we decided to run a promotion called Hot Tub for a Frontline Hero. We’re taking nominations for frontline workers you may know that you think deserving of a hot tub. If they live in our service area in greater Puget Sound, submit your nomination for them now till May 31st. We will review all the nominations and determine one person who will be the recipient of a Freeflow Azure Premier hot tub. It will be hard to pick just one recipient I’m sure!

I hope everyone out there is continuing to stay safe during what I hope will be the home stretch battling this disease.

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