Third Time’s A Charm: Owners of Their Third Hot Tub Find It Easiest to Care For
October 26, 2010
It’s hard to believe that portable spas have been around for 30+ years. But it’s true. There are a lot of old spas in backyards that need to be replaced. The old junkers out there are difficult to take care of and are certainly no longer giving their owners the relaxation they’re craving. To prove the point, take it from Carla Malich who’s now happy with her 3rd spa after finding the solution to her past problems! You won’t have to buy 3 spas to find the right one, if you take her advice:
Hi Alice:
Attached is a picture of our hot tub ( Hot Spring Jetsetter) that we have had for about a year and myself with a bottle of “Silk Balance”.
This is our third hot tub and by far the easiest to care for.
The most difficult part of having a spa was the constant mixing and testing to stabilize the chemicals. We have truly enjoyed our latest hot tub as we don’t have to spend all of our time trying to keep the water smelling and looking good since we now use Silk Balance. What a wonderful solution for anyone with a spa.
Sincerely, Carla (and Marco) Malich
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
It’s the combination of owning a Hot Spring Spa-the easiest care spa on the market AND the use of SilkBalance that’s made Carla’s life a whole lot better.
Got an old junker in your back yard? Now the time to trade it in for a Hot Spring Spa that will be truly relaxing and easy care! Life’s too short for hassles.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
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