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Super Bowl Your Hot Tub. 9 Tips for Hosting A Great Party on Game Day!

February 3, 2012


Submerging yourself in the heated water, surrounded by the massaging jets and your best pals is a great way to watch the Super Bowl if you don’t over do it!

Your Hot Spring Spa will give you the perfect seat to watch the action and guarantee everyone a great time if you follow these tips:

1. CHECK YOUR HOT TUB SUPPLIES NOW! There’s nothing worse than going for a dip, opening the lid and finding skanky water and realizing you’re out of supplies to clear it up.  Missing shock, SilkBalance or chlorine?  Get to an Olympic Hot Tub store today or tomorrow and re-stock.  With company coming for the Super Bowl, you’ll want your hot tub clean and ready to go.  Stock up NOW knowing you’ll have enough to have clean, clear water in your hot tub for the big game. Better to be stocked up than scrambling. 

2. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR HOT TUB DURING THE GAME. Keep the water chemistry in balance and sanitizer levels up. You want your friends to come back, don’t you? An unbalanced, unsanitized hot tub can lead to real problems for all hot tubbbers. A temperature of 102 is a good starting place for most people.  Make sure that you and your guests get out before you get over-heated!

3. CLEAN YOUR FILTERS BEFORE THE PARTY.  Use our SeaKlear Spa Filter Cleaner Spray a liquid product that greatly improves filter life and efficiency.  It is specially made to cleanse body oil & lotions from spa cartridge filters.  Used regularly it will extend filter life and assures proper filtration.  If they’re over 2-3 years old, you’re in need of new ones.  Stop by an Olympic Hot Tub store for new filters or filter cleaner for you Hot Spring Spa today or tomorrow.

4. MAINTAIN THE WATER LEVEL.  Water does evaporate more rapidly off the hot tub surface during cold, dry weather.  Make sure that the water is above the skimmer line so you’ll have continued filtration and operational jets.  With more soakers, that water level will go down fast.

5. DRINKS. Save the alcohol for after soaking.  I know that sounds so boring! My advice? Have a selection of bottled waters, juices and sodas on hand to keep soakers hydrated while soaking.  Alcohol? Alcohol is a depressant while hot water is a stimulant. As you sit in hot water your metabolism is reved up faster than normal.  Alcohol’s effects are felt much more quickly in a hot tub. Drink alcohol and a major hangover is a sure thing the next day.  Save wine, beer and other alcoholic drinks for after soaking.  You don’t want your guests to regret the day they accepted your invitation.

6. PARTY FOOD. KEEP IT ON THE LIGHT SIDE.  Stick to finger food that can be eaten in or out of the tub.  What works best for hot tub parties?  Easy to eat items like veggies & dip, fresh fruit on skewers, chicken or shrimp kabobs, egg rolls, fresh rolls, spring rolls.  Avoid chips-potato, corn, extra crunchy whatever- in the tub.  If spilled, all chips make a party ending, gummy mess!

7. EXTRA TOWELS-A MUST.  You can never have enough towels! Guests may get in and out of the tub multiple times, leading to damp towels that stop doing their job.  Keep lots of clean, fresh towels on hand and stay on top of putting wet towels in the washer & dryer.  Your guests will love you for it and so will your upholstered lawn furniture, carpets & floors.

8. ADD MUSIC  & ACCESSORIES!  Make your hot tub area festive. With the right hot tub accessories, you can make your Super Bowl hot tub experience super enjoyable. Why not add a new step, safety rail, or a towel rack?  There are a variety of hot tub accessories that you can add to your hot tub to make it convenient, stylish and more enjoyable.  Check out our other party tips here. Call the Olympic Hot Tub store nearest you for ideas. Check out our estore for the latest hot tub  accessories.

9. HAVE FUN :-).  If you, the host, aren’t having a good time, your guests won’t either. Sit back, relax and have a ball at your own Super Bowl Hot Tub Party. You can never foresee all of the problems that can and do arise, so just go with the flow. Your guests will appreciate your attitude to the day and have fun themselves.

RES EST SERVAS VOLUPTAS. Latin for Pleasure is a serious business.


Hot Tub Filters. Everything You Need to Know.

Hot Tub Etiquette. Everything You Need to Know to Entertain with Ease

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SilkBalance Your Hot Tub to Save Time, Save Hassles, Save Your Skin!


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