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Story of a Hot Tub Sale: Customer and Saleswoman Hug at the End!

April 30, 2010

Here’s a story of the perfect way to buy a hot tub from Linda Wood in the Fife Olympic Hot Tub Company store. It’s the story of a sale and how Linda listened to her customer, Gloria M.  She found out why Gloria needed a spa; she’s suffering from juvenile arthritis.  She heard that Gloria was interested in easy care, so the ACE Salt Sanitizing system was the perfect answer for her. And, most interesting is how careful a shopper Gloria was. She looked at our Zip code book, read all of the reviews on Google Maps, and took the advice of  friends.
Here’s the story:
“Gloria has had juvenile arthritis since she was 3 years old. She shopped a few places before coming here. Rich’s, Aqua Rec Swimming Hole…..and then this day, at work, she had 2 different people say that she should take a look at Olympic (she works at a Credit Union) so she thought there must be something to this (we call this a “sign”, don’t you?) It’s great she trusted her intuition.  So, she stopped by after work.
She needed a spa that she could get out of easily (her arthritis makes it difficult)so the Prodigy seemed like a good fit. She was someone that soaked-up every bit of information that came her way (she was into it)…from the zip code directory, to every single written review that we have on our closing table. Since she read all those, I also went ahead and printed the Google reviews for her to take home to her husband as well. (Awesome reviews!!)
As for easy care, the ACE Salt system was a huge selling point for her. (Note:  the ACE system is selling like hot cakes).  She loved the idea of it!!  She was first going to wait until she could take the information to her husband this weekend. But then she called him….THEY talked. She put him on the phone to me…..WE talked. Next thing you know, she said it was really the spa she wanted and she was just going to go ahead and get it. Very nice gal, I’m glad she is our customer 🙂
We hugged…and she went on her way.”
Shopping for a hot tub or spa? Take your time.  Look over all reviews and letters from satisfied customers. Be a careful shopper.
And, the most important: have such good rapport with your sales person that you hug at the end :-). It doesn’t get any better than that in the process of buying anything.  It will only get better when she gets the spa and starts to experience the pain relief that she’s looking for.
Have a good or bad experience when shopping for a spa? Do share!

SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.

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