February 18, 2009
Did you know this is the International Year of Astronomy? What better time than now to learn about the night sky. Galaxy Gazing from your Hot Spring Spa on a starry is indeed heavenly. Pick out the Big Dipper, Orion, Gemini-the twins and other constellations seen in the mid-winter sky. The best source for information on what to watch for in the heavens? The University of Texas at Austin’s Star Date website. You’ll find tips for every day of the year on what’s skyward as you look upward from your hot tub.
I was in my roof top Hot Spring Spa last night looking at the Big Dipper. A wispy cloud cover couldn’t diminish it’s visibility. Venus hung low on the horizon as the steam curled up from the tub. What bliss! I find I’m typically soaking right after I come home from work. Why wait until bedtime for that deep relaxation? Too, soaking right after I come home gives my body the signal that work is OVER and my time is now my own. It’s a guaranteed stress reliever.
Anyone else a hot tub star gazer?
SANUM PER AQUA-Latin for health through water.