Spring Clean the Easy Way With Olympic Hot Tub’s Valet Service
March 6, 2014
Relax. Soak. Repeat.
Olympic Hot Tub’s Valet Service makes soaking stress-free.
Start relaxing even before you slip into the hot tub. Let Olympic Hot Tub’s Valet Service handle the spring cleaning chores. We’ll drain and refill, provide an annual freshening, or better yet handle a weekly scheduled maintenance for you.
“I really see our valet service as more of a concierge service for the hot tub” says Service Center Manager, Rob Anderson. “We can take care of everything for the customer. This is ideal for the business person that really doesn’t have the time to take care of the tub as well as families that simply want to spend more time sitting in the water and less time worrying about cleaning the filters, maintaining the water, etc.”
Olympic Hot Tub Valet experts will not only teach you how to maintain and operate your spa,they’ll also:
- drain and refill, clean water lines, detail the shell, clean or replace filters, and clean and condition your covers and pillows;
- order and/or deliver the right products;
- identify potential problems;
- inspect your tub if it came with your new house or you haven’t used it for a while;
- open your tub for the season;
- set up service calls;
- handling the water care.
Customers love the convenience almost as much as they love the tub: “We love having the service,” they say. “We wouldn’t have our tub without it.” One owner who soaks and saunas to relive symptoms of her fibromyalgia says the valet service makes it easier for her to enjoy her tub and sauna. The service is so popular, we have four full-time people on the Valet Crew.
You can get on the silver plan for quarterly service, the gold for monthly, the platinum for bi-weekly, or the titanium for weekly.
“One of the great things about our valet service is that we really do work rain or shine,” Rob says. “I feel that this is one of the primary benefits for home owners that do not want to tackle the process of draining, cleaning, and refilling the tub when it’s either really hot or really cold outside.”
“Ultimately, we try to make it easy for them to take it easy. I really feel that there is a peace of mind that comes along with the valet service. Knowing that a trained water care expert is there taking care of the tub really lets the customer focus on the more important aspects of their lives while still maintaining a haven of relaxation to get away from the stress of everyday life.”
Grab your spring valet slot now! ”Spring Special”: Save $24 on one time Valet Service. Save $100 on our most popular recurring Gold & Silver packages. Or convert your hot tub over to SilkBalance and save an extra $31 on our SilkBalance conversion service.
We service most Puget Sound area locations. Call Olympic Hot Tub Company’s Service Center 206 431-2876 today to schedule or stop by or call any of our stores.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.