April 21, 2009
One of the great benefits of owning a hot tub is the opportunity to see the night sky. This warmer weather we’ve been having has resulted in clear night skies. Tonight you’ll be in for a rare treat as you soak in your hot tub. Astronomers have announced that a meteor shower in the Lyrids will be clearly visible on the night of April 21/22. Meteor showers result when comets shed the icy, dusty debris that streams along a comet’s orbit. If the Earth travels through this stream like tonight, we’ll see a meteor shower. Showers are named by the constellation from which meteors appear to fall. The Lyrid shower is located in the constellation Leo.
If you are planning to watch tonight’s meteor shower, find the constellation, Leo. A good time to watch for meteor showers is after midnight when the Earth has turned into the shower and when there is less ambient light. Optimal time is the hours before dawn.
Lie back, relax and enjoy the Lyrids show tonight in the night sky. It’s a great way to teach kids about astronomy. And, contemplating the heavens is a terrific way to elevate your mood. Somehow life’s problems seem far less important. Just another benefit of owning a a hot tub from Olympic Hot Tub – the view’s better from here.
Share your star gazing experiences. I’d love to hear from you.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.