Soak in the Hot Tub BEFORE Getting A Massage
December 2, 2009
Soak in a hot tub before getting a massage to get the full benefit.
Getting a good massage is one of life’s pleasures. It can be a necessity for some who experience chronic pain & aches. If you go straight to your massage without soaking in a hot tub first, you not getting the full benefit. By soaking in the hot tub before your massage for 15-20 minutes, you’ll enjoy a better massage. Your surface muscles will be relaxed by the hot water and the jets making it possible for the masseuse to work deeper with your feeling pain. It’s easier on the masseuse, too, if you’re warm and relaxed when you get on the massage table. Massages can be expensive. So, soak in your Hot Spring Spa before your massage and make it even more worthwhile.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.