Smart Home Owner Adds Hot Tub to Rental Home
March 11, 2010
Here’s how savvy Seattle homeowner and Olympic Hot Tub Company Limelight Hot Tub owner, Nancy Williams, lists her home on Second Porch-a home rental search site:
“Charming and cozy bungalow with an incredible downtown location. 5 minutes from the Seattle Center and easy access to all downtown areas. Yet, you can walk to Queen Anne shops and restaurants. Gas fireplace and a new hot tub with a million dollar view. Fully equipped, all you need is you!”
The photo tells the whole story. That’s the Space Needle in the background. At only $150/night, it’s a fantastic bargain for all of the amenities and charm.
Looking for a place to stay in Seattle with a hot tub? Check this out!
A word to other home owners or Bed & Breakfast owners wanting to generate many rentals: in many cases, the hot tub is the clincher for getting a potential renter to say yes! No hot tub? The prospect usually says, “Thank you and hangs up.” Install a hot tub at your rental and watch it pay for itself many times over.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
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