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Sleep Yourself Skinny: How to Lose Weight by Taking a Nightly Hot Tub Soak

March 5, 2013

Sleep yourself skinny; hot tub before bed for a good night's sleepSleep more and weigh less?

Is this true? Sounds like a fairy tale or urban rumor.  But, according to research conducted at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, women who get at least seven hours of shut eye a night are getting beauty rest and more. They’re preventing significant weight gain over time. This study found that the likelihood of major weight gain-33 pounds or more-rose 32% for women who slept only five hours a night. These women were also 15% more likely to become obese than the longer sleepers.

Even after analysis of diet and activity levels of longer and shorter sleepers, scientists found no differences that explained why those who got less sleep weighed more. In fact, those who slept less also ate less, but they also tended to exercise less. It is possible that reduced slumber affects the number of calories burned at rest (basal metabolic rate) and translates into weight gain over time.

What’s the bottom line for weight loss? Getting a good night’s sleep is the best strategy for maintaining a healthy weight.Buy SilkBalance and stop itchy skin from harsh hot tub chemicals and automatically balance your hot tub water chemistry. Pour it and ignore it!

And, how to get that good night’s sleep? You can find many suggestions on the American Sleep Association website.  One of the best is to soak in your hot tub or hot bath at least 2 hours before bed for 15-20 minutes at 102-104 degrees. As your body cools, you’ll be ready for a deep relaxing sleep and that all important weight loss!

A bath tub will not give you the same benefit. There are no jets to relax you and the water does not say at 102-104 degrees for the twenty minutes soaking time required for deeper sleep.

Want to lose weight? Get more sleep by taking a nightly soak in your Hot Spring Spa!

We’re celebrating National Sleep Awareness Week, the annual campaign by the National Sleep Foundation that runs from March 3rd to March 10th to remind people about the importance and value of sleep.  We invite anyone who’s tubless in Seattle to  Schedule a FREE test soak at any of  Olympic Hot Tub Company’s  5 Puget Sound area showrooms today! You bring the towels & suits.  We’ll have the hot tubs hot & ready when you are. Test the sound sleep theory for yourself.

SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.


Don’t Be Sleepless in Seattle. Sound Sleep Guaranteed When You Hot Tub Before Bed

Sleepless in Seattle? The Cure a Hot Tub + a New Mattress. Read An Expert’s Story

 Hot Tub Weight Loss Secrets

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