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January 5, 2009

Thanks to Cindy & Dave Lorengo for the lovely Christmas card sent to their salesperson, Jim Gatens, who manages our Olympic Hot Tub Issaquah store. Jim shared it with me because it illustrates a very important point about hot tub buying:

Dear Jim: Can’t tell you how much you helped us find the perfect spa! Dave told me the one pictured would be more than enough, but thank God I insisted on seeing you first!! Thanks again! May you and your family have a great holiday! Love Cindy & Dave Lorengo.

Jim is a gifted listener. He listened to Cindy and Dave’s need and wants and matched them with a new Limelight Flair model.  It’s ultra spacious for two; roomy for 4 and, in a pinch, will seat 6.  The original picture they’d looked at was much smaller. You can understand why they’re so happy!

Yes..size does matter in a hot tub. Buy the smallest one and you’ll regret it forever. In our 31 one years in the hot tub business, no one has ever come back saying the one they bought was too big!  As long as it fits the setting and doesn’t overwhelm the space (i.e. small urban backyard), go for the roomiest model you can afford.  More water equals more deep relaxation. More space guarantees more pleasure.

SANUM PER AQUA.- Latin for Health through Water.

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