Simplify Hot Tub Water Care by Switching to SilkBalance Say Happy Users
January 15, 2010
It’s always fun to receive a testimonial from a happy customer.
“We purchased Silk Balance for our new hot tub and we love it. It has taken all of the guess work out of what chemical mixture to put in the tub. We have well water at our home and it has a lot of iron in it. Silk Balance has created the perfect balance of chemicals to keep the iron clear in our hot tub. We also love the way that our skin feels when we get out of the hot tub. We don’t feel like we have dry skin. I found information on your product by looking on the internet for how to’s on chemicals for hot tubs and am very glad that I did. I was feeling a little overwhelmed on how to keep the chemicals balanced and which ones to use for what situation. I would recommend this product to any hot tub owner.
Jennifer Rankin, Silver Creek, Washington
So! No dry skin? Easier water care? Automatic balancing of the water? Takes the guesswork out of hot tub chemicals? What are you waiting for? SilkBalance is included with every Hot Spring Spa sold by Olympic Hot Tub Company. We start everyone off the right way: easy, natural worry-free hot tub care with the added benefit of soft skin!
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
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