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SilkBalance Your Hot Tub to Save Time, Save Hassles, Save Your Skin!

September 27, 2011

SilkBalance your hot tub?

Maybe you haven’t heard that there’s a far better way to care for your hot tub. One that doesn’t involve testing, mixing, hassles or frustration. The water’s always clean, always clear and always sanitized.  There are no chemical odors  because it’s all natural. Good for your skin. Good for the environment.  And, you can eliminate dry, itchy skin because you’re not bathing in a vat of chemicals.

Sounds too good to be true? It’s not. SilkBalance is real, it works and it’s available at Olympic Hot Tub right now.

Here’s a recent email I received from happy hot tub owner and SilkBalance user, George Chu, who’s soaking with friends in the magical green light of his Hot Spot Relay model in the photo.

Dear Alice,

My wife Darcie and I bought our first hot tub from Olympic Hot Tub in February, and love using it with family and friends often. We first saw the difference Silk Balance made when our sales person (Jon in the Issaquah store) had us dip our hands in one of the hot tubs and then feel our hands when they dried.  What a difference!

Since then, we have been using Silk Balance regularly, and every one who has come and spent time in our hot tub just loves it.  Silk Balance is so easy to use and keeps the quality of the water very high.  We are hooked and will continue using Silk Balance as long as we can!

Thank you SilkBalance!

Gregory Chu

Issaquah, WA 98029

Hot tub model: Hot Spot Relay

If you haven’t tried SilkBalance, you’re working too hard on hot tub maintenance,  sentencing your skin to early aging and not getting the hot tub experience you deserve.  Take the hand test in any of our Olympic Hot Tub stores today! Or, order from our e-store.

Thinking of buying a hot tub?  SilkBalance comes with every hot tub system we sell!

SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.

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