SilkBalance Revolutionizes Hot Tub Experience for Happy Soaker-No More Playing Chemist; No More Dry Skin-Priceless
January 4, 2010
January 2, 2010
Dear Olympic Hot Tub Company,
We’ve been the proud owners of a Hot Springs Vanguard tub since we moved into our new house over 6 years ago, and have been very happy with both the product and your excellent service. It’s been a trouble-free experience, and my wife and I as well as our teenage kids enjoy our tub regularly.
However, I had to write and tell about how Silk Balance has revolutionized our tub experience. I’ve been pretty meticulous about keeping after the water chemistry and while it wasn’t too hard, it took time and was one more thing on a long list of chores. I first used the water testing kit and later the electronic tester, which made it a bit easier, but I still found myself chasing the pH and alkalinity levels around from time to time.
Then when I was in the store one day buying more supplies, the guys mentioned Silk Balance to me. It sounded good, so I bought a bottle and gave it a try. What a difference: no more hassles, no more playing chemist, just pour it weekly in and forget it. But wait – there’s more! I never expected the huge change in how the water feels, so comfortable and it doesn’t dry your skin out. And as a psoriasis sufferer, I can tell you that that feature alone is priceless.
Thank you for continuing to evolve the tubbing and relaxation experience for us stressed-out customers!
York Baur
Issaquah, Washington
York’s letter certainly made my day! That’s a photo of a happy man. He’s experiencing what everyone who tries SilkBalance has found-freedom from playing chemist, freedom from dry skin and loving the natural water feel. We use it in our own tub and it’s..well… a miracle how clean the water is and how great my skin feels after a soak. All of Olympic’s Hot Spring Spas come with SilkBalance now and our customers are lovin’ it! There’s nothing else like it on the market.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health Through Water.
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