SilkBalance Natural Water Care For Hot Tubs and Spas Easy to Use and Doesn’t Damage My Bathing Suit!
September 3, 2010
Here’s an email from a wonderful woman who’s a longtime fan of Olympic Hot Tub Company. I sold her first hot tub to her-a Hot Spring Classic in 1990. Does anyone remember the “dog dish”?
“Hi Alice: I am so pleased to be using the Silk Balance product in my new hot tub. Wow! What an improvement from previous years when using chlorine was the only option.
It is so easy and convenient to use just once a week and there is no smell of chlorine on your skin when you get out of the water. Silk balance also does not create damage to your bathing suit.
I’m enjoying my Hot Spring Jetsetter Spa with new features that my old model Olympic hot tub did not have.
I wouldn’t have any other kind of hot tub and Olympic H.T. personnel have always been great to work with.
Thanks again,
Sally Downs, Olympia, WA
Hot Spring Spa Jetsetter Owner
If you’re not using SilkBalance, you’re missing our on carefree hot tubbing. Why be a slave to old ways? Thousands of hot tub owners have switched to SilkBalance and are enjoying the best hot tubbing of their lives. It’s feels great, smells great and simple as 1-2-3 to use. Saves your pricey bathing suit, too. I guarantee you love it or your money back! There’s absolutely no risk. Make the switch to SilkBalance today. At Olympic Hot Tub Company, we feel so positively about SilkBalance we include it with every new spa! We ship SilkBalance nationwide, too.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
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