December 1, 2008
This letter from a happy SilkBalance and Olympic Hot Tub Customer user says it all:
Dear SilkBalance ,
I have a HotSpring Jetsetter spa and use your product, I love what it does for my skin.
My husband who suffered from very dry skin problems is now able to join me again in the spa as his skin isn’t effected any longer by the chemicals and doesn’t dry out.
Thank you.
Frankie Adams
Olympia WA.
Thanks for your letter, Frankie. The awful secret about getting older is that dry skin is a perennial problem. Customers have told me that they couldn’t use the tub because of their dry skin problem especially in the winter.
Get that spa hot!
Get ready to get back to the relaxation and stress relief you’ve been aching for.
Silk Balance works exactly as promised: it eliminates the dry skin problem without adding all sorts of yucky oils and perfumes!
But that’s not all it does. At first we were skeptial of a product that promised so much. But Hot Spring owners are raving about how it’s transformed their hot tubbing experinece. You have to feel the water with Silk Balance to believe what a difference it makes. We keep one spa in each of our showrooms without Silk Balance. The rest have it as the water care of choice. We don’t have to say anything but: “Put your hand in this spa without Silk Balance. Now put your hand in the other spa with Silk Balance.” No one has actually swooned yet, but we’ve heard: “I can’t believe it!” “Wow, what a difference!” “I’ll take it!”
Silk Balance does make your hot tub water feel like silk and leaves your skin feeling smooth as a baby’s. Direct from Europe where it has made hot tub care easier than ever, it’s a proprietary blend of balancing products combined in one easy-to-use bottle. Now, this is the best part: No more alkalinity increaser, calcium hardness, pH increaser or de-creaser, and stain & scale control products. Really! Throw them all away.
●Add SilkBalance once a week to keep your spa readings in perfect harmony, without testing or mixing.
●It’s enhanced with silver so it’s EverFresh and ozone system compatible
●Added sea salts leave your skin feeling young and soft.
●BDT© Technology keeps spa components running better.
●Allows for minimization of sanitizers; environmentally friendly.
Transitioning to Silk Balance requires the one-time use of Spa Purge to rid your spa plumbing of old residual water care products and set you up for a crystal clear experience. After that, spa care is a breeze.
Discover how great soaking can be again..without the plague of dry skin and mixing of all those chemicals! Return to nature!!
See our estore for ordering. FREE shipping nationwide.
RES EST SEVRA VOLUPTAS–Pleasure is a serious business!