Seahawks and CenturyLink Field Unveil Plans to Install 350 Hot Tubs, “Hawks Nests”, as “Thank You” to 12th Man
April 1, 2014
BREAKING NEWS – SEATTLE, WA – Today Seattle Seahawks Owner, Paul Allen and CenturyLink Field unveiled plans to create a hot tub section in order to reward the 12th Man for being the “best fans in the NFL”. “There is no better way for us to express our gratitude to the 12th Man than to offer them this new and exciting way to enjoy the game”, said Allen, owner of the Seattle Seahawks. During the press conference plans were unveiled to remove all of the seats behind the north end zone. In place of the seats, there will be installed 350 Hot Spring Grandee hot tubs, capable of holding up to 7 Seattle Seahawks fans. The hot tubs will be called “Hawks Nests”. The Seahawks plan on offering “Season Hawks Nest Seats” first to existing season ticket holders in those sections, and then they will open up to other fans. The Seahawks will partner with local hot tub powerhouse Olympic Hot Tub Company to install and service the hot tubs. Alice Cunningham, owner of Olympic Hot Tub Company had this to say, “We are so excited for the Seattle Seahawks fans. The 12th man proved game after game to have immeasurable energy and truly helped us win the Superbowl. We are just so happy to be a part of this wonderful “Thank You” to the best fans in the NFL ”.
It is not just the owners who are happy, the players and coach Pete Carroll had many
thoughts themselves. “I try to instill the importance of meditation and relaxation in all my players, and fans alike. There simply is no better way to relax and repair your body, than to leverage the many benefits that hot tubs offer. As a coach, I am thrilled that Paul Allen continues to show his leadership and innovation in the league” said, Pete Carroll. Richard
Sherman abruptly interrupted the press conference screaming, “I AM THE BEST CORNER IN THE GAME, AND WE HAVE THE BEST FANS IN THE GAME, AND THEY DESERVE HOT TUBS!!!”. Pete Carroll and Paul Allen both laughed hysterically at Sherman’s outburst.
Fans were probably the most excited. 12th Man and season ticket holder, Ima Joshen said
this, “We have endured some of Seattle’s worst weather while supporting the Hawks, I think the hot tubs are the single best idea Century Link has come up with… I know I will be bidding on season Hawks Nest tickets. GO HAWKS!!! GO HAWKS NESTS!!!”. 12th Woman, Juana Biabridge, known locally for her extravagant Seahawks costumes, had this to say “This is GENIUS!!! We are definitely buying Hawks Nest tickets, I can’t wait to decorate mine with Seahawks colors and lights and show off my customs Seahawks swim suits!!!”.
However not everyone was happy. The Washington Health Department expressed some concerns about the sanitation of such a system saying “As the stewards of health and sanitation for all Washingtonians, we would like to study the effects of this hot tub plan, and hope to be able to get multi-million dollar contract to fund the study of hot tub sanitation”. Alice Cunningham was able to diffuse the situation and put the health inspectors at ease immediately, “We have two fantastic and scientifically-proven sanitation solutions; the ACE Saltwater Sanitizing System or Silkbalance, a sanitizing and skin softening system all in one. In addition, each tub will be covered by the Covana, the industry’s most durable hot tub cover on the market ensuring water quality and protecting the tubs from outside contamination.” Her statement was followed by deafening cheers from both fans and players.
Construction for the Hot Tub Section will begin this week. The removal of the seats will be the most intensive parts. The hot tub installations are remarkably easy and are quickly installed. Paul Allen was asked if this can all be done before August. He replied, “Absolutely. As Washingtonians we are lucky to have the best hot tub company in America right in our own backyard. Olympic Hot Tub Company has a proven track-record and the best installation team in the United States, if not the world. So yes, the tubs will be installed and ready to go well before pre-season”.
Well, that is great news for the 12th Man and the Seahawks franchise. Even better news, is that 7 lucky fans will win Hawks Nest season tickets. See the promotion below.
WIN A HAWKS NEST! Yes, as part of the promotion everyone who Like’s Olympic Hot Tub’s Facebook Page is entered for a chance to win a Hawks Nest Season Tickets for 7 lucky fans. Some restrictions apply*.
- All April Fools are disqualified.
- If you are not an April Fool, and still believe this offer or article is real, then we must reluctantly inform you, you are in fact, an April Fool. Sorry! 🙂
- We love you anyway and hope you still like our Facebook Page and visit one of our stores. We have great offers and promotions and guarantee you will be happy with Olympic Hot Tub Company.