Rub a Dub Hot Tub: Today’s National Read in the Tub Day
February 9, 2011
Grab your duck and a good read and you’re set. Why not read every day in the hot tub? If you’re like me and have dropped many a good book in the water, here are three suggestions for making it easy to relax, read and keep your book dry while you soak:
1. Wrap your Kindle in a plastic bag. For those of you who are afraid of dropping it in the water or getting it wet (a real concern), a zip lock plastic bag will keep your Kindle dry although it may be a little hard to read through the plastic. Good thing you can adjust the type size!
2. Waterproof Books. In August 2004, Charles Melcher patented the Durabook, a process for making waterproof books. His company, Melcher Media, published “Poolside” ($14), an immersible collection of short stories by Ernest Hemingway, Joyce Carol Oates, John Cheever and others. Durabooks makes some great waterproof books some featuring short stories by noted authors as well as some spicier tales. The best one? “The Beach Book” with stories set on beaches, it will take you on a mini vacation.
3. Grab an AQUA Reader.Trying to read in the hot tub is challenging. Either the book gets wet or your arms get tired holding it aloft. Print junkies rejoice! The Aquareader offers a stable, buoyant place for books, magazines, and reports. There’s even a built-in cup holder. Reading material stays dry and secure while you stay warm and comfortable on cold fall nights sitting upright or lounging with shoulders at or below water level. You may never leave the tub! Warn your significant other that you may develop prune-toes. Aquareader- a must have from Olympic Hot Tub.
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
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