November 24, 2008
Olympic Hot Tub Company Hot Spring Spa owner Nancy Juetten of Bellevue, WA sent her best tip to Redbook Magazine for connecting with her husband and keeping the intimacy and love flowing between them while managing a teenage son and two busy careers:
Soak up the love: “My husband and I both work from home, so relaxed couple time is in short supply. To get away from all of our day-to-day tasks, we take ‘breaks’ in our hot tub. Even if we’re soaking in silence, we can hold hands and be together in a lovely way that has nothing to do with being productive.”
—Nancy Juetten, 46, Bellevue, WA
This is sound advice for all of us who during the holidays will be swept up in busyness and “to dos”. I know I’ve been so stressed during the holidays trying to get everything done that I forget what’s really important. Nancy’s suggestion is to keep it simple, keep it real and keep your relationship in balance thanks to the hot tub brings it all back to what’s most important. Sitting quietly holding hands in the hot tub is a beautiful picture. Thank you for sharing this insight, Nancy. Continued happy soaking!
RES EST SERVA VOLUPTAS. Pleasure is a serious business!