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Our annual Honoring Heroes Event helps out with the crisis in Ukraine

April 1, 2022

April 5th, 2022 | Each April Olympic chooses a charity to benefit from the sale of our hot tubs and swim spas. I started this endeavor in 2017 to honor those who I consider heroes. First responders, military, public teachers, and healthcare workers fall into that category for me. It’s been a very rewarding way for us to give back to those in the communities in which we do business.

This year, due to the crisis in Ukraine, it caused me to look outside of our normal beneficiaries. What’s happening to Ukraine seems so out of the realm of reality—not unlike the pandemic we just all endured. As the pandemic is finally ebbing, I can’t imagine how the people of Ukraine are suffering. The things they are struggling with they never dreamed would happen to them in their lifetime, or the rage they must feel at someone attacking their very homes, destroying lives in the process.

When I was chatting recently with someone about what’s happening there, the person I was speaking with said, “Well, hopefully this will end soon, and their lives will get back to normal.” Seeing the reporting being done on the devastation there, “normal” may be a word alien to Ukrainians for years to come. And some will never return to normal, given they may have had their home destroyed, been forced to leave their country, suffered from the death of a loved one, been separated from family…it’s a sobering list.

That’s why Olympic has chosen the Ukrainian Association of Washington to receive the funds we raise from this April’s Honoring Heroes Event. Their organization, founded over 50 years ago in 1971, has been in the news here much of late. The Association has diverted their attention to getting medical supplies to hospitals in Ukraine and helping provide support to civilians in life-saving tactical medicine. They’re also working to help internally displaced families and orphans. Civilians are being forced to defend their neighborhoods with very little to do so. The Association is doing what they can to provide those civilian units with body armor to protect themselves.

Their President, Liliya Kovalenko, just returned from a trip to Europe, where she visited her parents in Poland and went into Ukraine with a shipment of severely needed supplies. She has yet another trip back soon. I can’t imagine the kind of perseverance and bravery it takes to do this kind of work day in and day out. Crises like this force humans to rise up and do what’s necessary to help their fellow man survive. The Ukrainian Association of Washington is doing just that, and we applaud their efforts.

The citizens of Ukraine are fighting every day for their country. It doesn’t get more frightening—or more heroic—than that.

If you  or anyone you know have thought about a hot tub or swim spa to further your health and well-being at home, I hope you’ll consider purchasing from us this month. We will donate a portion of each sale to the Association. Our goal is just $18,000, but I’m hoping we’ll soar way past that amount and give a larger donation to help their important life-saving work.

If you would like to donate directly to the Ukrainian Association of Washington, we encourage it! You can do so at their website. I know they would be grateful for the support.

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