Our 7th annual Honoring Heroes Event benefits JBLM’s Fisher House
March 31, 2023
April 4th, 2023 – When I became owner of Olympic in 2016, we decided as a company to make a conscious effort to find new ways to give back to the communities in which we do business. One of those ideas evolved into our Annual Honoring Heroes Event, which we hold every April. The goal: identify a charitable organization that benefits those I view as American Heroes: the military, first responders (police, EMT, firefighters, nurses), and public schoolteachers—all heroes for incredible reasons!
Since our first Heroes Event in 2017, Olympic Hot Tub has donated a total of over $130,000 to many worthy groups: The Washington State Fallen Firefighters Foundation, Washington State Nurse’s Foundation, Water for a Warrior, Ukrainian Association of Washington State, and Fisher House.
For our 7th event I chose to help Fisher House once again. Located on Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Fisher House provides a home away from home for families of injured soldiers and veterans receiving medical treatment at Madigan Army Medical Center. By providing a temporary home for the family of a loved one in the hospital, everyone can focus on the most important thing—healing, both physically and emotionally. Healing that is vital and overseen with great success by the talented team at Fisher House.
During the month of April, Olympic will donate a portion of each Hot Spring Spa sold to Fisher House. Hot Spring Spas, the legendary hot tub brand we’ve sold since 1982, has teamed up with us to make this possible. We’ll also be donating a portion of the sale of every Freeflow Spa, Vita Swim Spa, Vita Spa & Covana Automated Gazebo sold.
If you’ve ever thought of buying a hot tub or swim spa, April is the perfect month! Not only will you be making a commitment to improve your own personal health & well-being, but you’ll also help us make a generous donation to Fisher House. That in turn will afford all of us the chance to impact the health and well-being of those in the military who give so much to us with their service.
We’re looking forward to an exciting event!
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