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Our 2nd annual Heroes Event honors our fallen firefighters

March 30, 2018

March 30, 2018 – Last year, Olympic embarked on a mission to increase our philanthropy and give back to the communities we’ve done business in for the past 40+ years. Our Heroes Event focuses on supporting those we deem as American Heroes: our military, first responders (police, fire, EMT), and—yes!—public schoolteachers. In April 2016 we raised over $22,000 that we donated to JBLM Fisher House, a wonderful organization that supports military families when a serving member has been injured.

This year, I’m pleased to announce that April’s Honoring Heroes Event will focus on our fallen firefighters. This seemed so appropriate to me, given the number of devastating blazes that raged up and down the west coast of the United States. Fire also took its toll on our friends north of us in British Columbia. For me, it resonated on a personal level, as one of our fellow Hot Spring dealers in northern California suffered the loss of their family home that had been part of their lives for generations.

Our designated beneficiary for the funds raised during the Honoring Heroes Event is the Washington State Fallen Firefighters Foundation. The WSFFF was created to honor firefighters who made the ultimate sacrifice protecting and serving their community. Family, friends and fellow firefighters are significantly impacted by their loss.

Funds raised by our event will directly aid the families of these fallen heroes, assisting with funeral and life transition costs. The Foundation is also raising money to create a memorial that will be erected in our State Capitol to commemorate these brave women and men.

If you’ve been thinking of making a commitment to your own personal health and wellness by investing in a Hot Spring Spa or Finnleo Sauna from Olympic Hot Tub, I hope you’ll consider making your purchase in April. We’ve partnered with Hot Spring Spas, enabling us to donate $300 for every Hot Spring Spa sold. Olympic will also donate an additional $100 for every Freeflow Spa, Finnleo Sauna and Covana Automated Gazebo sold. Our goal is to raise a minimum of $15,000 to award to this very worthy organization.

The world is a crazy place, and there are folks who head out into the world every day to serve and protect us. Our hope is to give a little back to say thanks and pay tribute.

If you’d like to learn more about the Washington Fallen Firefighters Foundation, you can visit their website at and also take a look at their Facebook page.

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