February 26, 2009
Greetings Alice,
I just wanted to take time to share about my experience with your service dept. I noticed an inconsistent heating issue last Dec. during our cold and snow with my Hot Spring Spa Prodigy model. It was new in 2000.
I drained and cleaned it the tub Feb. 7th. I filled the tub, added chemicals, and closed the cover and ran the jets for approximately 15 minutes. All appeared normal until later in the day when I lifted the cover to find the water temp was still like the tap. I called your service center first thing Monday morning the 9th and spoke with Janet to explain my problem. She was very pleasant and set an appt. for the 18th.
Your tech Reg, called me around noon on the 18th and upon his testing and trouble-shooting, explained my heater was dead.
I gave him the go ahead to replace the heater and if any other hoses, fittings, etc. were in need to just do it. Reg was impressed with how everything looked and assured me that the heater was all that needed to be replaced.
I got home around 4:00 pm and the water temp was around 85. At 8:30 p.m. it was right up to 102! I took my tub and did feel the heater kick on after 25 minutes. It was great! It was so nice to have the tub back and now it’s like new. Should be good for another 8-9 years with this heater!!
I’m a happy customer, love my Hot Springs Spa. Your staff is A-1 in my book. The only down side to the above story- I went 10 days without tubbing. It was really difficult.
Jon Sheldahl, Shoreline, WA.
Hello Jon:
Thanks so much for your email! I really appreciate the feedback on our staff and your telling me of your love for your Hot Spring Spa. The only downside from our point of view, is that your Prodigy will probably last 20+ years and you won’t need a new one until then! But, that’s the way it goes with Hot Spring Spas- reliable, durable and long-lasting.
In the meantime, for the few glitches, we have Reg and our other Service Techs to keep you in hot water.
Thanks again for sharing your experience. Thanks for your business and happy soaking.
Best wishes,
Alice Cunningham, Co-Owner, Olympic Hot Tub
PS: My husband and I used our Hot Spring Prodigy a lot during the December snow storms. (yes, that’s our model, too. We love it). Being in the hot water up to our necks as the snow fell was sheer bliss.
SANUM PER AQUA-Latin for Health through Water