Olympic works to help fight hunger in October
October 1, 2020
October 1 , 2020 – Anyone who knows me knows that fall is one of my favorite seasons. While I don’t love it getting darker earlier, I certainly embrace the changing of the leaves, the crisp morning air, and the smell after a good rain.
It’s also a signal the holidays are fast approaching, marking the time area food banks gear up to do what they can to fill the coffers and help out those in need. While it’s a year-round endeavor for them, the light tends to be shone brighter on the plight of hunger and homelessness as the temperatures get colder and the nights longer.
This year, our food banks have been pushed to the limit—really, pushed over the limit—in their efforts to provide everyone with the help they so urgently need. The pandemic has turned their job into an even more all-consuming challenge.
When I became owner of Olympic in 2016, I wanted to do something to honor Olympic’s founders, Blair Osborn & Alice Cunningham. I chose to have an annual Founder’s Event every October. Time flies, and this year has certainly blended days into months far faster than normal for me. Here we are at another October and another Founder’s Event! With the stress our food banks are experiencing, it felt only right that this year we should raise funds to help them out.
During the month of October, with every hot tub and Covana Automated Gazebo sold, Olympic will donate a portion of the sale for our 4th Annual Founder’s Event. The funds will be distributed to three area food banks: Seattle’s Rainier Valley Food Bank, Marysville Community Food Bank, and Eloise’s Cooking Pot in Tacoma.
If you or someone you know is ready to purchase a hot tub, I hope you’ll consider a purchase with Olympic. You can buy with confidence, knowing we’ve been the exclusive dealer of Hot Spring Spas since 1982. Hot Spring is the best-selling hot tub brand worldwide—you’d love owning one to enhance your overall health and well-being. Why not buy this month, and help us fight hunger in the Northwest?
Our mantra at Olympic is Better you. Better life. May October be the month you invest in a hot tub for a better you. That in turn will help us feed others to live a better life.
Our hope is to raise at least $18,000 to evenly divide up and donate to each food bank.
We’d also absolutely encourage you to donate directly to any of these three terrific organizations. I know they’d be so grateful for the extra support! I’m listing the links for direct donations below to make it easy for you.
Have a wonderful fall!