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Olympic launches our first annual Founder’s Event aimed at tackling hunger

October 6, 2017

October 6 -2017 – October is special for us at Olympic. It’s the month we’ve selected to honor Alice Cunningham & Blair Osborn, the founders of Olympic Hot Tub. In 1977, they both decided they wanted to embark on the journey of selling hot tubs to folks in Puget Sound. They were big believers in the product, knowing full well how good they felt.

Alice & Blair have always been great supporters of our local arts community, and they’ve also had a keen awareness of the ever-growing plight of homelessness and hunger. As proponents for better health & wellness for all, we thought it fitting to honor them by creating the Founder’s Event. Each year, we intend to raise funds to give back to our local communities.

This month, we’ve chosen to raise money and collect food and other critically needed items to give to three local food banks we think do a terrific job and striving to end hunger in Puget Sound—Marysville Community Food Bank, Rainier Valley Food Bank, and Eloise’s Cooking Pot.

Even better: the makers of Hot Spring Spas, Finnleo Saunas and Covana Automated Gazebos have stepped up to help raise funds with us!

  • We will donate $300 for every Hot Spring & Hot Spot Spa sold
  • We will donate $200 for every Finnleo Sauna sold
  • We will donate $200 for every Covana Automated Gazebo sold
  • We will donate $100 for every Freeflow Spa sold

Bottom line is this: If you choose to buy your hot tub or sauna this month from Olympic to further your own personal well-being, you’ll also be helping these terrific organizations. How great is that?

We will also be taking food donations at all five of our Puget Sound showrooms in Seattle, Everett, Issaquah & Lacey, as well as at our new Service & Outlet Center in Auburn. We’ll deliver the funds and food items raised to each charity in early November.



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