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Olympic Hot Tub Wins “Top Dealer” Award from FreeFlow Spas

November 27, 2011

We were surprised to receive a big red plaque announcing that we had won a “Top Dealer” award from FreeFlow Spas a few weeks ago.  Surprised and grateful.

A big thanks to FreeFlow for giving us this award and a big thank you to our entire staff, especially Exelane, Rick and Robert in the Lacey Olympic Hot Tub store for selling the most FreeFlow Spas this past year.

FreeFlow Spas are known as Plug ‘n’ Play spas because they plug into a 110v outlet with no modification of the wiring. (Perfect for military bases). They’re energy efficient, affordable, durable and great value for the the budget conscious hot tub shopper.

Greg May of Gig Harbor, Washington wrote to me about his FreeFlow Spa and included this photo. What a view! His story is well worth reading if you’re hot tub shopping. Greg is both quality and value conscious and wanted the best for his money. He got it.

We receive many fan letters from customers who love their FreeFlow spas and the service they received in the Lacey Store. like this one from Susan Alden of  Lacey.

“Hi Alice,

I just wanted to say we appreciated the excellent service at Olympic Hot Tub.  The purchasing process as well as the set up were a breeze!  Most of all, we are LOVING our new tub-a FreeFlow Tristar in Granite.  It runs great and is the perfect size for us.  It has been a life-saver in adjusting to the cold here since we recently moved to Washington from Hawai’i.

Mahalo & Aloha,  Susan Alden”

Hot tub shopping? Checkout FreeFlow Spas at all Olympic Hot Tub stores.

SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.


Looking for an Affordable, Energy-Efficient Spa that Plugs into a Standard Wall Outlet?

Energy Efficient Hot Tub Plugs Into Wall Outlet! Durable & Reliable FreeFlow Spas Are Durable & Easy Care

Looking for a Plug ‘N’ Play Spa? Buy a Free FreeFlow Writes Happy Owner



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