Olympic Hot Tub Company Really DOES Make It Easy To Take It Easy
September 10, 2010
Here’s a letter I received this week from a happy customer. The thumbs up photo is really worth a thousand words. SilkBalance which is the water care method we provide for ALL of our spas is really just as easy as Jeff Hastings describes. Thank you, Jeff, for telling the SilkBalance story in the fewest words ever! I couldn’t have said it better myself and I’m a dedicated SilkBalance user. 🙂
Dear Olympic Hot Tub:
I’m writing to express my appreciation to the makers of Silk Balance. My skin remains soft and moist after enjoying a relaxing night in my “Hot Spring Prodigy Spa”. I don’t have to worry about multiple chemical combinations as with my old method. With Silk Balance, I just shake, pour, add to water and forget about it.
Thank you!
Warmly, Jeff Hastings
2010 Hot Spring Prodigy Owner
Puyallup, WA.
How about you? Still struggling with multiple chemicals to make your hot tub clean? Dealing with rough, dry itchy skin and irritated eyes after hot tubbing? There’s a better way that will end all your hot tub water care problems. It’s called SilkBalance. Don’t you have enough on your mind? Give yourself a break and get on the SilkBalance program!
SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.
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