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New Owners Love Their 2-Person Jetsetter Hot Spring Spa. Here’s Why!

March 13, 2014

Sometimes it the little things that make hot tub owners happy. Like being able to change their delivery date.  Like never having to worry about pine needles again.


When you’ve owned a hot tub before, it is the little things that can drive you crazy and make the experience less peaceful and relaxing than you’d hoped for.

Here’s an email from new Hot Spring Jetsetter owners Dean & Cass Mazur.  Pine needles figure big in this story.

Hi Alice:

Yes, we are very happy with our new Jetsetter hot tub. It replaced an aging Dimension One tub, which was approximately the same size.

Two things worked well, one related to the delivery and the second related to the design.Buy SilkBalance and stop itchy skin from harsh hot tub chemicals and automatically balance your hot tub water chemistry. Pour it and ignore it!

The first:  As we decided to rebuild our deck and replace the aging planks and joists with Trex and treated joists on 12″ centers, we had a problem of old tub removal / delay for construction / delivery of new tub.   Note: Interested in a Trex deck?  Check out Dunn Lumber.

Rick, your salesperson in Lacey, was nice enough to permit a reasonable delay, and so we were able to do this little project without too much trouble.  Note: We make it easy to take it easy! Delivery when you want it, where you want it is what we do.

The second:  The location for the hot tub is under a large fir tree.  The Dimension One never did like this.   Though we tried very hard to keep the needles out of the tub, it only took a few days to plug up the circulating pump, which resulted in a flashing FL error message which meant we didn’t have any flow, which meant the controls had shut down the heater for safety.  Fine mesh filter material rubber-banded over the pump inlet helped control this, but chlorine eventually attacked the rubber band and then I was cleaning needles out of the impeller.  Again and again and again.   Note: Dimension One Spas are no longer sold in the Puget sound area, but Olympic Hot Tub is the warranty and service center for that brand.

So, I was quite enthusiastic about the Hot Spring design that incorporated a circulating pump in the main pump loop, using the main filter instead of a separate intake in the tub.  It would mean that a few errant needles would only result in filter cleaning, not a jammed pump.

I found the wiring to be very similar to the Dimension One, in that both used a dedicated 240v circuit.  Hot Springs uses a pair of GFCI’s, one for 240v and another for 120v, but following the diagrams for the supplied panel was simple enough.                                                                                  Note: Here followed a long, very detailed explanation of the wiring by Dean who is a very precise and competent electrician.  I  edited this to make it shorter.

I recommended Hot Springs tubs, and your company, to a millwright who was shopping for a hot tub this summer.  He was concerned about maintenance and I explained that a well-designed ozone system makes a hot tub just about as maintenance free as you could get.  So, perhaps I got you a sale.

– Dean & Cass Mazur

Maybe more information than you wanted? But, heh, when a hot tub is just right for a very technical, very precise individual, it’s probably right for you, too.  And, did I mention that the Jetsetter is the #1 selling Hot Spring Spa model?!?

SANUM PER AQUA. As the Romans said it Health through Water.

Two Person Hot Tubs Are Best Selling Models 

The Zen of Hot Tub Deliveries~Watch this Amazing Video

Salt Water Makes Everyone Happy in Tubby Land!





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