Moving Across County? 8 Tips For Moving Your Hot Tub With You
October 23, 2014
October 23, 2014
You Can Take It with You
Careful planning on both ends will make moving your hot tub to your new home stress-free.
Relocating can be stressful, and you want to be sure your stress-relieving hot tub is ready for you when you’re setting into a new house. Check these items ahead of time to make sure that valuable cargo gets where you’re going with no complications. Also check your owner’s manual and your local hot tub dealer to be sure you have complete information on the model you own.
- Show and tell. Point out the tub to your moving company with they look at your other household items. They may charge extra for the spa, and you can get accurate estimates while you shop. Make sure the new space is the right size.
- Need a lift? You might need a crane to pick up your spa, to locate it at the new house, or both. That’s usually a separate contractor, so make arrangements early.
- Dry run. Drain the tub completely and use a wet-dry vacuum – a high-pressure one if there’s a chance of below-freezing temperatures at the destination. The plumbing must be dry. Clean the filters and replace them in the tub. Thoroughly clean the shell.
- Get wired. If your tub uses 220V electricity, you’ll need a licensed electrician to disconnect it and to re-connect it in the new home. Schedule both in plenty of time.
- On deck. If the spa goes on a deck, get a qualified contractor to certify that the structure can support a filled hot tub.
- Check it out. Inspect the tub after delivery to make sure nothing is missing or damaged. Make a note for the movers’ inventory if you find a problem.
- Set it up. Call the nearest Hot Spring dealer for a complete clean, refill, and water testing. The water in your new home will undoubtedly be different from that in Puget Sound. You’ll want to make sure you have the right start-up procedure. Since there are over 400 Hot Spring dealers nationwide, there’s sure to be one near your new home.
With a little advance planning, your backyard getaway can go with you when you move. You can look forward to relaxing in a familiar place when you get there.
RES EST SERVA VOLUPTAS as the Romans said it, pleasure is a serious business.
More tips on moving your hot tub:
Hot Tub Filters: Everything You Need to Know
How to Clean Your Hot Tub Shell: A Step by Step Guide by Olympic Hot Tub’s Valet Team