Meteor Shower and More in the December Sky-Be Sure to Watch From Your Hot Spring Spa!
December 14, 2009
The December night sky holds visual wonders-all the better seen from your Hot Spring Spa. The night of December 13-14 brings the peak of the Geminids meteor shower. The moon will be out of the way and peak activity will be after midnight. If the sky is as clear that night as it has been the last few nights, you many be able to witness as many as 100 meteors an hour! Thanks To Rodney Ash a member of the Seattle Astronomical Society writing in the Seattle Times for this tip. Click the link for more on what to watch for in December while hot tub soaking. The Seattle Astonomical Society is a terrific organization that sponsors monthly star gazing parties and information about the stars. A pair of binoculars 7- or 10-x-50s or a small telescope would make a great Christmas present for night sky viewing from the hot tub.
RES EST SERVA VOLUPTAS. Pleasure is serious business.