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Massage Therapists Relax Their Clients in the Hot Tub Before a Massage

May 3, 2010

Massage therapists take note-a hot tub in your practice is a GREAT thing!

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As Kim and Jim Hartley say, putting your clients into a hot tub before the massage will make the massage easier for you and better for the client! Here’s a YELP review from two massage therapists and  Olympic Hot Tub owners in Olympia:

Hello!  My husband and I are Hawaiian massage therapists working out of our home in SW Olympia, WA.  We have had several hot tubs over the last 20 years – all purchased from the Olympic Hot Tub Company. We recently purchased a new larger model. (A new Tiger River Sumatran made by the makers of  Hot Spring Spas). We have been very happy with their tubs, products and the way they honor their warrantees!  We encourage our massage clients to relax in the tub for 10 minutes before their massage and that does half our work for us.

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We especially like the systems of powerful jets that are more than just “Champagne Bubbles”.  Kim & Jim Hartley – Heartspire Hawaiian Massage .

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I asked Kim & Jim if they’d like to offer a special to Hot Tub Bliss readers. They said yes!  “We would be glad to offer $5 off our one hour lomilomi massages (reg. $70) and $10 off a one and 1/2 hour version (reg. $120).  We studied Swedish massage as well but our specialty is lomilomi.  We will offer a $25 discount to Hot Tub Bliss readers for any of our three day lomilomi classes as well (reg. $425).  We are nationally certified teachers offering the continuing education credits that WA state requires yearly.”

If you haven’t tried a lomilomi massage, you must try it.  The relaxation experience of lomilomi coupled with a soak in their hot tub with its powerful jets beforehand is heaven.  Give Heartspire Hawaiian Massage a try.

If you go for regular massages and your massage therapist does not have a hot tub, send them to Olympic. You’ll both benefit enormously.

SANUM PER AQUA. Latin for Health through Water.

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Thanks for reading Hot Tub Bliss. We hope you went from “Ahhhh” to “A-Ha”! Be sure to

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