June 11, 2009
Here’s an email that made my day. It is so gratifying to hear from Olympic Hot Tub Company customers who have found that SilkBalance really works well-so well that they are kicking themselves for not switching sooner. It took us almost a year to product test SilkBalance. We wanted to make sure that it worked as well as the manufacturer claimed it did. It has exceeded our expectations. Not only that, it has made our customers extremely happy.
Read this email from Bruce Reynolds that I received yesterday, June 10th:
Hi Alice,
Here’s a picture of me holding a bottle of Silk Balance sitting in from of my Hot Spring JetSetter tub.
I can’t believe I waited so long to switch to Silk Balance. I should have done it a few months ago when I first learned about it. I must admit, I was hesitant to spend the extra money to “switch” to a system I really didn’t know anything about. After some research and a couple calls to Linda at the Fife store I decided to make the switch. Boy, I’m sure glad I did.
The first thing I noticed about Silk Balance was how silky and smooth the water felt and also how my skin felt both in and out of the tub. These were immediate results!! Also, I’ve noticed less “water spots” on my tub shell as this water is much softer and dries cleaner than the chemicals I had been using. I like the fact that this is so simple to use and I don’t have to test my tub for chemicals and play the yo-yo game of getting the PH and Alkalinity right. Every week, I just pour in some Silk Balance and I’m done.
I’m so convinced that this is the best way to go, that I signed up for the auto shipment program for both Silk Balance and the silver ion cartridge for my tub. Besides saving money on the Silk Balance using auto ship, I have the peace of mind in not having to remember to run to the store to get more.
As always, thanks for the wonderful customer service your staff has. It’s always been a pleasure dealing with Olympic Hot Tub.
If you have any customers on the fence about Silk Balance, please let them know how “worth it” this purchase is.
Take care,
Bruce Reynolds
Buckley WA 98321
Thank you, Bruce! What are you waiting for? SilkBalance will exceed your expectations-guaranteed or your money back!
SANUM PER AQUA. Health through Water.