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Keep Your Hot Tub Safe: How To Protect Your Hot Tub Before a Big Storm Hits

November 13, 2014

Wind AdvisoryNovember 13, 2014

After the big wind storm the last weekend in October and on Thursday, November 6th, our service department was flooded with calls about damaged covers and power outages. Big winds are a natural part of winter in the Northwest and the potential for wind damage is real.  When the weather forecast predicts heavy winds, take fast action.

Here are 6 steps to take to keep your hot tub safe in a big storm:

  • Lock your cover: Make sure all 4 of your cover locks are securely snapped into place. If any of the locks are broken, contact our Service Department to order replacements.  Email or call 1-877-599-6072.
  • Tighten the Straps: Once the straps are locked, pull up gently on the cover to see if the cover moves much. If it does, adjust the straps so there isn’t as much give.
  • Add Wind Straps: If your hot tub is located at the beach where the threat of high winds is greatest-on a bluff, beach location, rooftop, you should definitely add “wind-straps” (basically a longer set of straps with locks that stretch across your entire hot tub) to your hot tub. Wind straps add security for your hot tub even if you’re not near the ocean!

Never replace your hot tub cover again! Smartop outlasts your hot tub.Note!

You can eliminate steps 1-3 and never worry about losing a cover again. How? Get a new Smartop– A hot tub cover designed to never get water logged, heavy or stinky. Retains its high energy efficiency, too! This cover should last the life of your tub. Its sleek design will definitely improve your tub’s curb appeal, tooBuy the SmartTop hot tub cover now!

  • Remove Debris: Try to remove any branches or lawn chairs or any other debris that might fly up and hit the hot tub in a high wind (We realize you can’t do anything about that aging Spruce tree that is 10 feet away. Fingers crossed that if it falls, it falls in the other direction) 
  • Do not Drain: This is especially important if you’re on a river that is prone to flooding: DO NOT DRAIN your hot tub! If the flood waters do reach your hot tub, it will most likely float away if it’s drained. This has happened here in the Northwest!
  • Keep your hot tub electrically connected: There is no need to disconnect your hot tub during the storm. If you lose power to your hot tub, check & make sure it’s functioning correctly once the power is restored.  Your many have to hit the heater reset button.  If you have any questions you have about restarting your hot tub after a loss of power, call Olympic Hot Tub’s Service Center: 1-877-599-6072 or email

No matter what brand of hot tub you own, we’re happy to help you with water care or service issues. We want you to get the most pleasure out of hot tub ownership.

More Service Tips:

Answers to the Top 5 Hot Tub Service Questions

10 Things You Should Never Do To Your Hot Tub

How to Deep Clean Your Hot Tub




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